Supportive of the Saudi royals? No. The Saudi-Israeli “alliances” with the United States are an absolute travesty and a root cause of this conflict in ways most Americans have no idea about.
Supportive of the Saudi royals? No. The Saudi-Israeli “alliances” with the United States are an absolute travesty and a root cause of this conflict in ways most Americans have no idea about.
It’s extremely obvious that though there may be westernized Muslims that actually believe Jihad to mean something about Spiritual Struggle or some other inward-facing ideal that there are countless millions of others that believe the words in The Quran are to be taken literally.
Mocking him to pieces clearly hasn’t put any holes in his hatred or xenophobia.
You didn’t answer the question. Is there a reason for that?
May I ask something in all honesty?
And yet, somehow, Christian and Jewish societies don’t throw gay men off buildings
It’s not him I’m concerned about; it’s the readers who won’t see anything *but* xenophobia at a top-level if nobody pokes any holes in all of this.
Sure! I expect that to happen about the same time that Jews and Christians “update” Leviticus 20:13 calling for the murder of gay men, the same time the Haredim in Israel remove “keep the Canaanite slave forever” from the holy mitzvot, the same time that apocalyptic Christians remove Christ calling to summon seven…
He’s currently the featured comment, and there was no educated pushback at all on it when I got here.
You may wish to actually ensure that the verses you link contain the *word* in question before going down this route.
I’m from Los Angeles. Got any more ignorant hot takes you want to drop?
$31/42 per hour translates to $62k/84k a year for fulltime positions. Are we really trying to argue that LAUSD teachers are underpaid? They’re definitely overworked and underappreciated, but I’m not sure I’m ready to hop on board the hate-train here.
May I ask what particularly makes you “sick” about the idea of charter schools/school vouchers generally? I went to school in Los Angeles. For most of the period, my parents sent me to private school because LAUSD has been such a nightmarish, violent shitshow ever since the rise of busing - for a few years in junior…
Give the Warriors credit! They’re a once-in-a-generation team that literally changed the entire way the game is played.
Thank you for at least being honest, Jack. Too many Splinter readers in this era have just managed to completely forget the J. Edgar Hoover period, where liberals and gays were just outright harassed by that agency for decades (even as Hoover was strolling around town with his “wife” Clyde Tolson dressed up in drag),…
It’s much better than it was in the 90s when wrestlers would unwind by knocking themselves out with painkillers and alcohol...We may yet reach a point where it’s actually rare to hear about a wrestler dying in their early 50s.
I remember the humanitarian crisis around their arrival in 2014 quite well. Why don’t you?
So, no response. You got caught out being an asshole because you didn’t read my original post completely, so now it’s better to just fade out of the discussion, right?
And just to head this all off at the pass - PLEASE don’t just read 25% of my last post this time, see something that makes you mad enough to talk shit and ignore the rest of it again. Read the whole thing if you’re going to respond. Read it until you’ve read both my condemnation of Quinn *and* my condemnation of the…