Days later, and a dollar short, I come bearing thoughts on the season finale. In sum, everyone needs a fairy godtrepreneur:
Days later, and a dollar short, I come bearing thoughts on the season finale. In sum, everyone needs a fairy godtrepreneur:
Days later, and a dollar short, I come bearing thoughts on the season finale. In sum, everyone needs a fairy godtrepreneur:
I hate Scrubs and love Cougar Town. 5!
To be honest, that conversation turn might also be true of Peter.
In that NYTimes roundtable, they said there are actually legal issues with using real names. It's not a creative choice, unfortunately, it's an  "I don't want to be sued" choice.
The commercials are definitely trying wayyyyy too hard. It's an intelligent, thoughtful show, but CBS is struggling to get younger viewers for it, hence the stupid ads.
I think there are TONS of loose strings actually. In many ways, it seemed to me like a very well-done, tense episode that only rewarded us with a small victory.
Great point about Homeland vs. Dexter. The NYTimes published this whole thing about how the ending's as big of a letdown as The Killing, but as you say, this show's always been about character, and I think it stayed true to that.
Will Gergich…Will Gergich. Nope, still a terrible name.
I went back and watched the beginning. She definitely got the message about the civilians and pulled the trigger anyway. Neat trick, show, making me rewatch scenes to see if justice was actually done, not to stare at Kalinda/Dana. Ahem.
I think this episode sits as one of the shows best. I was impressed again and again how they didn't make some grand point about the morality of drone strikes, and actually stuck to the letter of the law. That made Judge Kuhn's final statement more powerful.
Lol. I suspect the fact that you had to do research to confirm that it's not gross suggests that actually, it might be gross. (but what does it say about me that I kind of agree with you?)
That may be true of the pilot, but into season 3 the show has some of the most creative uses of incidental music I've ever heard.
it's like 3 degrees of female protagonist separation.
And Marwat was the name of the Afghan witness in Damages!
Isn't the IT guy Lutz from 30 Rock?
YES! which was one of my favorite moments from the episode tonight.
I give it one more episode until there's at least some kind of showdown. Or tequila session. Or hookup.
It wasn't based on the Ryan Giggs story, it was clearly based on Trafigura.
I know, right? So totally hot.