For the record, I did look it up and the correct word is "trepid" even though people have been using "trepidacious" for over a hundred years! Dictionary makers are too snobbish to include it, apparently.
For the record, I did look it up and the correct word is "trepid" even though people have been using "trepidacious" for over a hundred years! Dictionary makers are too snobbish to include it, apparently.
does that mean will and alicia are behaving childishly? I don't think I've seen children behave like that except in "Brave New World"
Hey, if Shakespeare can make up words, why can't we?
Eli either wants to avert a fight entirely, or provoke it sooner so it can blow over by the next election. Not sure which yet.
I think Cary's appeal is that he doesn't even pretend to be good, unlike so many other characters on this show. His motivations are always right there, which makes him almost noble in this twisted universe.
Lol. I don't think I've ever noticed the erectness of a nose before, but I certainly will now! Oh Josh Charles and his roman nose of sex.
Also, I'm amused at how many people apparently watched this show with their parents…great political drama, interesting cases, and BAM! ORGASM!
When they broke up the Chris Isaak song into the various instrumental parts, it actually sounded a lot like the incidental music from Sports Night.
…cough…cough…GAME OF THRONES…cough…cough…
Is trepidatious a word? if not, it definitely should be.
I'm glad you guys are recapping this year! I for one will contribute to getting the comments threads as noisy as they are in Community :)
I actually thought that was a fakeout, to further plant in Peter's head that something's going on between Alicia and Will. We know that Eli's usually playing a long game.
But I would still watch it if I were you, just because it's great, gripping drama (especially season 2)
That scene actually isn't in the original script, which they gave out for free on amazon! I didn't care for the scene, it was much better done in the script (just a short voiceover statement from Emily).
Great review!I don't think I was as positive
about the episode as you though. I think the biggest problem in the
episode was that it was too easy for the Doctor to take Amy's faith away
from her.But so many of the problems in the narrative of this
episode stem directly from the writers having no idea of Amy as a
This season was so disappointing that part of me hopes that the show dies a merciful death.
I think the question of "right" is essential to looking at the episode. I'm grateful that the episode didn't make light of the consequences of the decision, but I do believe the Doctor went too far, which could potentially be fantastic for the narrative (even though I fully expect the writers to ignore the character…
I thought this book was terrific precisely because it goes into so much detail. Waldman doesn't merely rely on attributes to define people. I wrote about the book in great detail here:…
The episode was beautifully directed, but the story itself fell quite flat (and gets worse the more I think about it).
Great review.