
Teens are insufferable.

Just went back and found my Livejournal (ugh) post about prom in 2005, and ours was $140 per couple. Friggin Jesuit schools...

Tangent: the slowest internet service I ever had was when I lived a half-mile away from the Googleplex.

Although the “or” in that sentence did give me some amount of hope that not every Texan school administrator believes they’re the same thing.

Ugh but if I can’t blame my bad relationship on my smartphone I’ll have to go back to blaming it on my parents, my childhood, my introversion, most of my ex-girlfriends, and the fact that I never learned how to express affection.

My favorite part of this story is that you were fucking to Sarah McLachlan.

And now I’m remembering Amy Schumer’s response to Tyson at the Charlie Sheen roast:

I can’t stand the way he writes. I came across an essay of his in a collection called “Should I Go To Grad School?”, and it was one of the worst things I’ve ever read:

but all and all it sounds like this guy is a real stud and probably kisses a lot know what i mean? definately a good part of the book though made me feel weird like i wanted to find out what happened next. has a nice flow like were talkin’ buddy to buddy, just two cool guys without a care in the world.

Ah, nope. South side of Chicago. So definitely not just a California thing.


you missed a sic

Given Dirk Benedict’s “when men were men” rant after his Battlestar Galactica character was recast as a woman in the reboot, I imagine he wouldn’t be too pleased having his name associated with a female presidential candidate.

Though the same could be said for A:, B:, and D:

I don’t think it’s that dumb. I got my first CD-R/RW drive as a graduation present in 2001. Until then* I moved everything around using floppies.

I got the impression (from the aforementioned Triumph of the Nerds documentary) that Dorothy Kildall refused to sign with IBM — not because her husband wasn’t there — but because IBM’s lawyers insisted that she sign before they would even tell her why they were knocking on the door of her home.

On the upside, I imagine Mr. Eye Drops didn't have any red-eye problems for the next several years.

Me (as a smart-ass 16-year-old): Mom, can I have some money to go to this movie?

You forgot the Kardashian, equal to 72 days (the duration of Kim Kardashian's first marriage).

From the Chattanooga article: