This album—when it hits its groove—feels classier than Take Care. Take Care is an album for radio hits, and sure, this stuff will be on the radio too, but it doesn't feel engineered for that.
This album—when it hits its groove—feels classier than Take Care. Take Care is an album for radio hits, and sure, this stuff will be on the radio too, but it doesn't feel engineered for that.
Track: From Time | Album: Nothing Was The Same | Artist: Drake
Maybe he was his scoooooooter brother!
The guy is holding down a job and he's an adult.
I just started doing some research on console failure rates and in comparison to the best value hardware components I research when buying a PC, its staggeringly higher.
This box-art. I've seen it somewhere...
Same. I'm also pretty sure I had to tell a few people that they weren't old enough to buy the game they wanted, and then had to explain to their parents why. I don't remember if any of them actually cared.
Agree. I was once at Gamestop browsing when a father and his 12 year old son were buying Black Ops. The employee laid out exactly why the game had a huge-arse 'M' on the cover. Yet the father simply said "Well, wouldn't be a good game without it"...sigh, parents don't care anymore...
Most of the parents told me that little Jimmy just likes to drive around. He doesn't try to have sex with the hookers on the street corners. I was always thinking that's what the daddy was going to do with the game.
89 isn't my birthday, its the year i met my wife. Thanks for the assumption though.
These are the same people who bitch that games are too violent, etc and try to change what companies put into games designed for adults.
I worked in the electronics department of Walmart (evil status confirmed) and the only joy....the ONLY joy...I ever had at work was when I'd tell a parent about the mature content, them changing their minds, and the absolute look of disappointment on the kid's faces. It was magical....
they just look at you with glazed eyes and think "I'm buying whatever shuts my stupid crazy fucking kid up for 10 minutes"
I did as well and same issue. GTA3 San Andreas came out while I was working there and a parent was buying it for their kid because their kid really wanted it. I told the parent point blank "You restore your health by having sex with hookers, and then you can run them over in your car to get your money back."
I was playing Grand Theft Auto when I was 11 and I didn't suffer bad parenting. Maybe kids are just more able to distinguish between fantasy and reality over here in Europe.
It would've been funnier if a Blues Clues DVD was in the box.
The parents aren't gamers, so they don't know about it. And from what I hear, it's difficult for parents to pay attent... Oh, a butterfly!
I have two immediate reactions to this video.