
This is a cognitive anomaly. The whole is less than the sum of the parts, and each part is less than each other part, all at the same time. It's a verbal black hole, if you will, from which no logical thought can escape. It is stream-of-consciousness from a place of no actual consciousness, just keywords, sound

As I wrote with Miss Teen Carolina, this level of inarticulateness is hard to do. You couldn't make this up if you spent any time writing it. The Muse, in the form of a synapse break, touched Palin, and she saw instantly all things and all people, all was one, she went out of her body, back in time, to the apes, to

Okay. That's it. I don't believe her anymore. I think she is the Andy Kaufman of politics. She is trolling us all!!

...she is, at the very least, a functioning adult human.

Peak Palin sounds like a terrible place to ski.

CNN and its entire staff struggle to fill a 24-hour news cycle, and because of it occasionally falls into the realm of ridiculousness. If your news revolves around the thoughts of just one person, it's not going to take long to run out of things to say.

My reactions, in order, in the form of GIFs:

You become a Vegan in Purgatory?

So.. is this a new series, Canadians in cars getting coffee?

The best part is all of it.

It looks to me like she was talking to someone that she could see farther down the course and was raising her hand to wave.

She's not taking a selfie, she's talking. Look at the way her hand is positioned next to her head and how her elbow moves when she gets hit. If she was taking a selfie, her hand would be extended and her whole arm would have moved across her face.

That ninja training

I read this story off of a reddit link, and a lot of people also came to her defense in keeping the car. The fact is, a known vehicle with a known maintenance history is a relatively smart decision over selling and getting a possible clunker. Controlling risk is just as important as controlling finances.

It's a national bawliday in Brazil.