I wouldn't call this "cheating" at all. It's not like you're getting any sort of unusual benefit here, beyond how the game is designed.
I wouldn't call this "cheating" at all. It's not like you're getting any sort of unusual benefit here, beyond how the game is designed.
Yah, I just got that a little while ago. One more master assassin mission was all it took. :)
(Redacted, found my answer elsewhere)
Hah! Yeah, the girl in the game does look like a slightly-younger Ellen Page...
That, combined with Scalzi's "Old Man's War".
He's got no idle assassins to call :P
Gingrich then followed up with the statement that "People like me are what stand between us and Basher Tarr".
Link no worky :(
I was going to make this same point myself, but figured someone else would have beaten me to it... :)
He also once waxed philosophically about an attractive woman on the Weather Channel, while quite buzzed on wine, Heineken and Jack Daniels, the one time I met the man back in the day. I'll never forget that bit. :)
Someone either knows their Gibson or knows their Wikipedia. :)
"I'm just a dude, killing another dude, while thinking about why I'm killing that other dude."
Yet so, so right.
Replying to El_Wray as his comment is too short to allow replies - all the other bits were from movies as well. But yeah, could be an issue with Lucas stuff specifically.
Stewart missed a wonderful opportunity for the "my writers' reaction" part of that bit. :(
"so now it's getting banged on because its nascent search engine can't connect the word "abortion" to a medical center that doesn't use that word in its description. That's Search 101, fellas."
Well I did say "pretty good", so there's that. I'm not saying it was a masterpiece!