I suspect animated gifs glitch like that when they're too large, width/height-wise. If you click on yours, you'll see it's pretty big real-estate-wise.
I suspect animated gifs glitch like that when they're too large, width/height-wise. If you click on yours, you'll see it's pretty big real-estate-wise.
You can find more at hulkse.cx. :P
It's your choice to read that comment as applied to you, methinks.
Disagree. Design, I believe, is covered.
That page you linked implies that the NPC skills freeze once you show up in their area, and don't change, and give instructions (PC version) to get around that. *shrug*
Nice, good find! Also good info about the NPC stats not changing. Several on that list I haven't run into yet, so I guess I'll switch around later on. I'm still using the first one (Faendal), but he seems to be holding up pretty well...
The best hoaxes are the hoaxes that are indistinguishible from legitimate nutjobbery.
Yah, it would make sense that they'd have different strengths, but is there anywhere one can see what's what?
Speaking of followers... and aside from this particular one also happening to be a trainer NPC - is there any major difference between them? And the same goes for mercenary-types.
You're doing math of the "total take" as a percentage of "average pay" - it's total take as a percentage of total pay that is relevent, IMHO.
No, it's still 21%. The percentages don't add up. :P
RIP :(
Maybe this guy just got so behind with changing his clocks from Daylight Savings Time... took it a weee bit too far?
"New" name?
Jim Henson made a whole mess of morbidly-bent commericals for Wilkins Coffee in the 50s using proto-muppets. You can find more on YouTube.
Hm. I wonder how they taste?
All they need now is a slightly different soundtrack for the game...