
(Redacted due to sarcasm filter finally kicking in)

Communistic as in the aspects of the economic/social theories and systems, or Communistic as in "Dang commies!"? :/


Phew. I'm safe.

Anchower reference FTW!

Yah, possibly. Sadly, that would mean it would likely be dubbed over with an English voice cast. I'm a purist, I prefer subtitles :/

"never gonna be released in America"

Ooh it's available! And in Blu-ray :D

First, the live-action flick came out in December 2010, not in 2009. (Also, psst - an English fansub is out there on the intarwebs.)

Are we sure it's not "Star Wars: Identity Theft", where Vader gets ahold of Yoda's Republic Social Security number and buys a bunch of stuff online and ruins Yoda's credit?

True. But I have to say, I don't see all that many snipers (or at least, chronic camping snipers) in BF3. Not like in MOH. Ugh. Half the damn team would be sniping. Jackasses.

You know what I mean.

Something else I hope they address is team balancing.

I don't know that I'd ban folks for that. I'd simply zero out their stats, set them back to when they first fired up the game. That's punishment enough - it's not like the EOD repair exploit was affecting other players (i.e. serving up cheap deaths to others).

Well, I mean, no limit for the server as a whole. There may be a limit per character, I wouldn't know, in my WoW time I never got anywhere close to 1mil. :D

So in a way, you could opine that the real-life 1% are the WoW 1% - because it takes real-life funds, disposable funds, to buy in-game gold to hoard, and said product is made overseas (i.e. Chinese gold-farming operations) :D

That, plus the fact that there's no Fed regulating the amount of gold in the game on each server. Is there any sort of limit? Every monster you whack drops coin - it's not like there's a system to explain how the coin got into that monster's possession, especially monsters that don't have pockets and don't buy things

I think it's more of a DJBot 3000, a self-contained fully autonomous dance party music delivery system. The breasts are obviously woofers, part of the audio subsystem. :/

Please tell me there were pants involved. :P