
Stealing that gif. Awesome :)

My 4s battery life was crap until I turned off some of the notification services, and did a full-drain/full-recharge. Been a lot better since. We'll see if the 5.0.1 update makes it any better...

Tune in next week for a new episode of "Queer Eye for the Straight Dragonborn"! :P

How is offering voters a second and third choice, for example, a violation of their "sacred will"? It's not like anyone is saying "You get to vote for who you want, but we pick the rest!".

Hah, I was going to go find and link that video. Well done, sir, well done.

Stuffed Xbox in pants?

I always thought that would be a good way to deal with weasels on game forums as well, though a little differently - instead of banning them from the forums, prompting them to just create a new account or whatnot, just set their account so that only they can see their posts. No one else can.

The pointy front part of the hood is cheap looking. If they'd modded the pattern so that the two pieces of fabric making up the hood had been cut to have the peak added, that would have been better. Rather, it looks like it was added as an afterthought. Meh.

Use the full URLs to get them to embed properly here. Kotaku (and other Gawker sites) don't like the shortened versions. FYI

Ok I'm about as anti-griefer as they come, but damn, that was funny as fuck.

And here I never knew Carson Kressley was a sci-fi fan. Whodathunkit!

Plus, the games released during his time in lockup will no doubt be heavily marked down by that time! Win-win!


Packed away somewhere, I still have my "Team Banzai" headband that the studio made scads of to promote the movie back in the day.

A worthy addendum. :)

Yah, that makes sense - but especially with helis, the countdown ends and the pilot is already in the cabin - and voom, they're off!

Both? :)

Ahhhh. I don't know that I tried giving it a pause or anything similar. I'll try that next time the opportunity arises. That makes sense, thanks!

Ok please don't bust on me for this - but isn't there a limit on an engineer's repair capacity? Sort of like an ammo count - can't you run out with a given spawn? Seems like I've run into this once or twice, I'd have to try it again to doublecheck.