Really, really well done, Barry. It's fascinating to read about the behind the scenes stuff in the media event du jour - famous athletes coming out. I guess that humans will always be humans and wherever there are lots of lights and cameras pointed in one direction, there's going to be a struggle as far as who gets to…
Seems pretty explicit that these rules apply only to players, although the fact that the controversial statements were made to one of Sterling's many mistresses may give the League an avenue to define him as such.
Here's the thing though, if you take aspirin for a headache that stems from a brain tumor, it will probably help the headache, right? I don't think you'd actually be taking the aspirin to cure the brain tumor, but it does relieve the headache. If you're taking the aspirin to cure the tumor, it's possible that the…
Bullshit, Greg. The NFL recognizes the potency of the word in its acknowledgement that no other word is so potent as to be deserving of an offsetting penalty.
Wow. Such talent. And to think they were both baked in the same Dutch oven...
But the bright side is that you are now the American sports journalist who was banned from the 2014 Olympics for online pics of you yanking off your knob.
Similar to how police officers get sprayed with mace during training so they know how to use it responsibly, Comcast wants its anchors to know what it's like for customers dealing with Comcast so it fucks them with a grizzly bear dick.
They could try to give them to Rebecca DeMornay.
Pasta (if we're just talking about dried, packaged pasta) has literally zero sodium. Not sure how that makes your list of foods to avoid unless you're partial to some salty sauce or something.
Always glad to meet a fellow staunch fiscal conservative. By which I mean, of course, that I am solemnly dedicated to finding the best price on a device to staunch the liquid shit mist that constantly sprays from my horrible ass.
Typical liberal response. Let's just put extra pants over all our dangerous shitholes instead of making some tough decisions and getting to the root of the problem.
I've lived the #Hartfordlife and can assuredly say that it is NOT all sushi, white people and Whole Foods unless you have Hugh Douglas money. Hartford is mostly a dangerous shithole.
Because we took a road trip for the 4th that was something like 1300 miles... including a 600 mile day. Like I said, she thinks she's a great driver and she likes to drive. I'm pretty good at strong arming her out of the driver's seat, but it was impossible to convince her to let me do all 1300 miles.
Hi Drew!
Dance like no one is watching! Comment like you don't live in your mom's basement!