The Abominable Ryan Sweet

Someone remind these Cheese Wiz Chugging morons they still have one more game to play.

hahahaha shut the fuck up. Too much salt is bad for one’s health.

Jack stripped him sure as they hit the ground, ever heard of being ruled down by contact?

Well which is it?

What basketball team do pitt fans root for?

What basketball team do people from the arm pit root for?

I have never rooted so hard for someone to fail and this is only child #1 in this damn family.

Maybe don’t commit a crime in the first place?

1/10 as good as Rondo’s fake.

Nobody is rooting for the warriors right?

I am midly tickled to have found out that:

What would you rate the blondes to the left?

Colin decided to become an activist when he saw the writing on the wall that he would be cut. Genius move of self preservation (that lasted 1 season), just like his relevance as a “quarterback”.

There’s a 100% chance the Celtics win at home tonight.

Stop telling Deadspin to stick to sports y’all. Look at what hard-hitting undertoned “sports journalism” we now get.

When does lesbian foreplay turn into sex?

“The finish line — just like first base and chicks — is meant to be plowed through.”

- Unknown

You spelled Dana White wrong.

“No catch.”

- Dez and Megatron

Before the race card gets thrown out there... people hate him because he stole lap tops at Florida, causing him to be suspended, then was paid to play at Auburn.

Plus he has Shrek ears.