
Scarred the heck out of me last year when I got one here in LA for a flash flood.

When I got through all the conjecture and hyperbole of this article I immediately knew Jesus had written it without having to scroll back to the by line.

So much mail is unnecessary at this point. Only packages and like novelty letters make sense at this point. Bills, ads, notices should all be paperless.

So next up Taco Bell Taco Flavored Dorritos Chip Taco Shells at Taco Bell?

I disagree. Jobs looks better as himself than Kutcher looks as him.

This post doesnt fram the book well. Yes, in history just about everything has fallen. A few religions are still going strong after hundreds of years, a few companies and businesses survive in some form. But yes, basically a given things fall apart. Not much of a story there. No impending doom.

what the hell are you talking about? Did you think it was the republican's government until you watched the ball? Do you think the republicans think it is their government? Whatever side of the spectrum people are on this is a very odd statement. Of course the government is the peoples. Wouldnt the republicans be in

The poor guy in the video that was stupid enough to do this. Really low brow.

"Buying DELL in parts"

that was just about as tame and cute as could be.

Also - I enjoyed. I just dont get the context. ;)

huh? I dont understand the context. Just short movies for the fun of it?

The crushing can't come soon enough. I can't wait to get away from these dumb lumbering oaf companies that slow down innovation with their crappy policies, products and prices.

It's funny we're watching this unfold. It was only a matter of time before this flu warped to infect humans directly. We'll be able to look back and see how this helped accelerate the process. With how easily spreadable this research is able to make it only absolute perfection in containment would keep it from

I think you just proved my point. The designer gets the credit, not the builder.

Youre missing the mark. The point was that people of different colors serve together with no issue as it should be. It isn't a commentary on violence or nonviolence.

Studies show the same with talking hands free.

Huh? Two companies?

A Korean contracter among several from other nations on the Khalifa using labor from various nations does not qualify the building as Korean constructed. It was designed by Americans, paid for by Dubai (and others), physically built by many nations.

Universal city walk hollywood: