
a) WHOA! This house is gorgeous. Seriously gorgeous.

ok, I love that you editorialized in a comment to your own article! Haha. And seriously agree - how will these feel? Will the wearer always feel greasy? Is it like those bath and body works lotion socks? If I smear petroleum jelly on the inside of my jeans will they do the same thing?

S base is $50k with the federal credits factored in. More realistically theyve only sold plussed out models more in the $80k-$100k range at this point with how much demand there is.

yeah it is. why wouldnt it be?

Dang it Tarantola - why do you always write the articles I like most? Thanks for a great read about something I've long wondered about.

Lol - thanks for posting in article format the exact same thing my 80 year old grandma email chain emailed me a month ago.

Baller article. The video orientation issues is mind numbing to me. Why was that not resolved from the begging on smartphones? The obvious and what shouldve been original solution is to always shoot in landscape and then have an option for portrait video if someone wants that for some bizarre reason.

no, no he isnt.

Where are the other articles? clicking the 101 link just leads to this page

I love eating apple power adapters but i prefere them with some cream cheese. I'll had to try them with red dice sometime.

Lets go!!!! Current fastest rocket (saturn) would take 26,000 years to get there. Not so much helpful.


But really, how are they getting it up there...

:( that made me seriously sad. Poor cows.

shame on you. How can you support violence in the wake of horrific violence. I want westboro stopped but violence against a group that is not perpetuating violence is not appropriate.

Also - The biltmore is 180,000 square feet. This wouldnt come close, not sure how it would take the title of larget residence.

I've been wanting to see this! Thank you for confirming it is on netflix.

Thats pretty cool. Wish I could set a default map provider rather than the extra "route" step but very cool.

yeah, der. this has been the working theory for months.

Painfully asinine. Party on the lake rich kids. Brah.