
Dang - ouch on the timing here. I’m sure the 11% of the company that was just laid off before the holidays isn’t going to find his work style particularly compelling.

sigh. “insides had been reduced to mush” followed by writer asking “when can we start covering our fragile smartphones with this stuff?” I mean, answer I suppose is now if you want a completely useless device covered in a thick coating that will still result in the device breaking if you drop it...

Boo. I watched that video thinking it was going to show current levels. Lame to lead with that.

ewwwwww and cool and ewwwww. Also, can the embryo still develop or does the missing shell/ink kill it?

you seem to care and don’t seem like a normal person...

No, it’s not. The avengers movie marvel made is titled “The Avengers” not “Marvel’s The Avengers.”

Please make it stop. It’s so awful. Why does DC not understand?????? Thankfully this will get canceled when b “v” s underperforms. Sony Spiderman lineup style...


A couple quick thoughts:

Typically on these planes the "restroom" is a flip out type commode with a tiny screen that goes around it.

yeah - take that any sort of context or explanation of the illustrations. me just making up what they were trying to show is fine.

Also - don't keep it at 50 states. Do 30 states with more like 10+ million people per state.

Would love this for the sake of senate representation. Electoral college is an easy fix by moving to the popular vote. Senate is a mess. What was 13 colonies of rough similarities, justifying the leveling provided by a set 2 senators from each state, is now a mess. It's genuinely unfair to more populous states to have

i think this is supposed to be an art short, not a demonstration of any product. I swim in the ocean, snorkel and suba dive often. I don't see how the "wings" would do anything for me.

Boo. stopped reading halfway through. All new car models have problems. Show me one new model that doesn't have reports of problems with some part or another. There is a difference between one of failures and product wide problems. Nothing is scientific about your reports. Do something like the new car reliability

wow, eww, no. thats a very specific group of nasty fetishists that would call it porn. pornography causes sexual arousal. you could describe these videos as explicit, disgusting, sadistic, and many other ways. porn not so much.

A pretty good chunk of the world exceeds this. Overal global expectancy is interestingly about 70 years but the longer life expectancy countries nearly all tie with stability, nutrition and medical care. The baseline human potential seems to be more like 90-100 if not higher.

Pretty dumb comment bud. Why just throw Christianity away? Certain aspects of it are fantastic but the religion has been very real for hundreds of years. It's not a conspiracy theory it's a belief system.

Oh daily mail, Englands Onion that so many in the states continue to think is some how legitimate.

yeah - this is total crap.