
Part for the sake of a part or for transplants? Kidney seems like transplant. Skull seems like part for the sake of part.

I'm not following the last sentence. Didnt they specify he wont be a police officer? ever? anywhere?

If he had any sort of involvement at apple he definitely doesnt after this. He had to be joking or he is really dumb.

This seems like an example of what I think when I see horribly ugly buildings decades after they were built "how could people not think this was ugly at the time??" The Guggenheim and Disney hall are examples of his work that will be timeless in their elegance. This is an example that I think isn't too horrible at

Another cool article where we hear about stuff, but like, where are the articles about it coming out? I'm guessing we could find articles from 2, 5, 10+ years ago. Is there a follow up possible that talks about how they actually end up in stuff?

Plenty of orgs do it just fine

Totally a fan of eliminating all non parcel physical mail, banning paper contracts, forms, newspapers, magazines, etc

Agree - my mom already had the kitchenaid so the ice cream attachment made sense. I didn't have a kitchenaid so buying the cuisinart made sense.

I have one and it rocks! One note - you can't leave the ice cream in the bowl when you're done. It sticks to the sides or something if you do. The perk is that you don't have to mess with ice and salt. You leave the bowl in the freezer until you want to make ice cream. Pour in the stuff, turn it on, 20 mins later -

So, now can we have an article on installing an actual wood floor for cheap? I know it's more than laminate, but like a wood wood floor, not laminate...

This seems like it would be more appropriate for a different blog, not gizmodo...

it's so much easier to get bacteria that makes me have bad diarrhea though.

What's the res? 1080p is 1080p no? 4k would be cool

Gwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, drool at world of color. It's so cool!

Isn't it a pretty big given based on the intense chatter the last round that at least some bump in screen size is coming? the device can remain the same length and width and still increase the screen by going to the bezels.

So, question - no regular dr. or urgent care sunday or monday? Why emergency room?

Jason Chen has publicly stated he and gizmodo were in the wrong the way the iphone 4 situation was handled.

I want it! Add it to the list of better batteries, new solar panels, graphene stuff

Dang it - yet another awesome innovation we won't see. I get so stoked at these articles but then don't ever see the results. Perhaps years down the line when we actually have super thin, efficient and cheap panels we'll be able to credit it to this. It'll be like boring at that point.

It's douchey of samsung that they get all the specs of Apple's products and then so clearly roll them in to their own devices. If you're a parts supplier you shouldn't make the same devices of the people youre making parts for.