
I thought the same thing. How did they know the originals were even a thing if there were none? They spotted a couple photographs and were like "what be them? we make? ok."?

I want XC37C! Why aren't we building that to get astronauts up? It seems like we're pretty close.

it's either or. I always feel lucky now when I get the metal detector instead of the xray. even if they need to check you post xray they only do a pat down.

what site is it? I don't think this is official is it? Why can't we order from Mattel if so?

There are always claims like this. I'd be interested to see a "Gizmodo WTF" article that distills all the claims from companies, universities and whoever else has claimed to have new battery tech. What is stopping this stuff from making it out to the masses?

The mirror would be cool for clothes and stuff. It doesnt make sense for the things he shows - a screen would be better than seeing yourself the whole time.

It brings up a weird issue - if it is an exact replica is there a difference between seeing it or the real thing in person? Are we wholesale buying in to the mystique of the original? This doesn't apply to a print of a painting or a close but not quite copy. If you're copying all the little nuances exactly the only

Wow - very interesting report. This needs to be used as the basis for redistributing funds. I dont want to say screw the little guy, but CA seriously needs infrastructure help. I hate going to random little states with fewer people, less infrastructure needs, less economic ability and seeing they have these gleaming

Utah has the great salt lake. Wyoming is landlocked. They would have no access to their interests if they had a carrier in international waters unless their defense was an offense.

it looks like a weird throw back to the (bad) GM headquarters in detroit or bonaventure in LA. Not a great look at all.

Yeah, so Marx suggested a time would come when the lower classes would be able to cease the means of production and everyone would have unlimited goods. Obviously not realistic then, not really realistic now. I was only suggesting that we do seem to be making at least some progress towards a society where the means of

isn't this the whole communist manifesto thing? it took longer than he thought but cheers to the proletariat. I look forward to the day when manufacturers pitch a fit about downloaded physical goods and try to lock us in the current business models, before ultimately realizing the future is all in printed out goods

Really? really?? Southwest couldn't throw screens in to the seat backs? Really?

Ah, youre indeed right. The switch doesn't make sense.

College today = standard laptops in class. You're looking $500+ (likely more for most college kids). I spent thousands on books on top of that (and considering i always shopped around the web for the best deals). Books for $15 would very very quickly pay for the cost of the device. When you're talking $25k/year a $500

So, what practical function? Super soft? Super strong? Just spiders for the sake of spiders? Did it take 6 million because it's that many they had to go to in order to train them how to knit clothes? Are chinese workers going to be replaced by spiders? Do we have any issues with the working conditions of spiders?

this might have the positive effect of more realistic body images. The reality though is celebrities usually look better in person. They are anomalies and that gives them a leg up on getting in to film.

1080 = 1920x1080 pixels. It's the second number that defines the res.

The internet wins! You can stream 4k. It's limited, but it's out there. 4k+streaming = future. Can we just skip 4k and go straight to 8k? That TV was like looking at a painting at CES. OLED+8k? Is that a thing?

It's pretty. I want to hear their features and specs. How would these bad boys fit at airports? Are windows passe in the future? Super sonic? At least just below sonic (700mph)?