
I think it’s pretty well established at this point, that LeBron is not an asshole, but rather, a bitch.

Draymond Green being an asshole doesn’t change the fact that Lebron James is an even bigger asshole.

Don’t kid yourself. Everybody loves Draymond.

Prime Wilt is probably the worst fight outside of a combat sports person— those stories of him stopping fights by picking up both parties at the same time and holding them each at arms length— that’s a guy who could kill you on accident.

Thanks for that tale of the tape. But I would have to install LeBron as my 100-1 favorite.

Draymond Green is the Dennis Rodman to Steph and Klay’s M.J. and Scottie. That’s not a compliment.

The fact that he is a pro athlete (one of the most recognizable in the world) and reacts so strongly to that pejorative suggests that, yes, it probably does hit a little close to the mark.

i mean we can all agree he is a bitch, right?

I will always love Rajondo for this


All things even, Lebron is the one who put his balls on Green’s head. Very rarely do I agree with Barkley, but Lebron was asking for a cup check with the step-over.

NBA really wants to see that Game 7.

He got suspended for accumulating flagrant fouls, not for hitting LeBron in the junk. If he had no other flagrants, he would still be playing tomorrow.

This is bullshit, right?

So Ben Roethlisberger didn’t explicitly say no, and Donald Trump took that as a yes? Interesting…

Big gray dick won't endorse big orange dick.

Maybe he can replace Roethlisberger with Aaron Hernandez, try to hit on that young Latino demo.

“This isn’t a matter where I just haven’t decided yet; I will not be endorsing Trump,” Roethlisberger continued. “There are no gray areas here.”

Will this finally stop people from asking for that fucking statue back? Let’s just melt it down, closest replication to where he is if there’s any thing as justice.

This is probably the only shot from today’s draft that didn’t have 15,000 Marines or a bunch of youth league players who ain’t afraid of no concussions behind them.