The vacancy is better then what we had. My bet is Scalia would have purposely misunderstood how insurance works, too.
The vacancy is better then what we had. My bet is Scalia would have purposely misunderstood how insurance works, too.
Loser has to settle for the Morgan Stanley internship this summer.
You’re what’s wrong with campuses today.
You seem to have missed the seriousness of this particular injury, which is clearly described above. All injuries on a football fields are not the same, just because they occur on a football field.
He was internally decapitated. How many of the instances you’re using as your point of reference are internal decapitations? You’re conflating bad hits with this particular instance, where moving at all would have killed the guy. You’re not a doctor, you’re not making any medical points that show the doctor was wrong,…
The really scary thing is, it wasn’t even a dirty hit. Seemed like a typical blocking play in real time.
Let me get this straight. This asshole works for his nice things by building companies and providing goods and services that people gladly pay him for and you go out of your way to shit on him. [Which is fair since, as I stated, he can be an asshole]
Why is it that the interior of every private plane, no matter how expensive, ends up looking like a 1985 Starcraft van conversion?
The old man must be think, “WTF are we doing here? I’m a failure as a dad."
It’s like Alien vs. Predator but Legionnaire’s vs. Gonnorhea.
Remember though, the damage here was from exhaustion, not punishment.
When it gets too hot for the comforter, you kick it off and just have the sheet on you. THAT is what it’s for!
And to think that this is merely the first of two interviews the Cowboys require before signing a player.
Agreed. People went nuts when the Seahawks got that lucky non-call against the lions. Like not lion fans but “anti-Seahawks” fans. Caring about other teams not your favorite is weird.
Anti-Hawks fans are worse than Hawks fans. Who goes out of their way to shit on people for liking something they don’t? Pretty damn petty if you ask me.
This is like the most oft-repeated statement about Seahawks fans. This wins? This is about as trite and derivative as it gets. I’m a Seahawks fan, and I’m cool with jokes and trash talk....just do better.
here here. Go Seahawks! I think what Cam did is bushleague. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter but it's different than player on player trash talk.
Wow, that must be one of the dumbest things I have ever read on deadspin. Congrats, that is really saying something.