
Calm the fuck down there, Black Mirror.

I believe it translates as “The Nina.”

(Learns he’s being put into carbon freeze)

We get it. You use an Android phone.

make america ask jeeves again.

Here we see the Russians hacking into the US Election.

But if possible Cstrife16, go get some awesome cellphone video. Shocked commentary welcome, vertical video no so much.

The Man in Black finally walks into an empty town; in the center square is a solitary cob of dried Indian corn, which he picks up.

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

Personally I like the matte black model better, but the jet black is awesome too.

This is not that kind of site.

Is Kim Jong-un ordering take out?

They kicked their universe off with two shitty movies and tons of bad word of mouth?

Well there’s little chance Vader will pursue them to that beach on the cover. He hates sand. It’s coarse and rough and just gets everywhere.

Radiohead releases a new album and Jon Snow resurrected in the same week.

it was an accident, something about Porkins not able to pull out in time...

Good Morning America is on ABC. ABC is owned by Disney. Disney owns and produces Star Wars. Of course they are going to do it in-network.

Gorbachev, His arms open. Reagan and Gorbachev at Tanagra.