
I think it is also worth noting that big Hollywood wunderkids were more likely to be familiar with predators and grooming behavior (which is not to say they recognized it for what it was at the time), and it wouldn’t necessarily be their first exposure to that. He may not have dared try it on them.

Hey, cool, gay panic!

Lol holy shit Anna Kendrick is THE WORST. I can picture her thinlipped shit eating grin as she wrote out that tweet.

This is what I fear. And this is also why I’m drinking far too much for a week night. My aging stomach will be a mess tomorrow.

$500 for my birthday to see the touring cast in Seattle. The guy playing King George was a friend of a friend, which I didn’t know until after. Mr. Bells also bought me two of the t-shirts because “when will we ever do this again?”

Do non-tangible things count? I spent $2000 or so on the kayak trip of my dreams in Gwaii Hanaas National Park. I’d had a miscarriage, so I decided to take a 10 day remote trip that I definitely couldn’t have done if I’d become a parent. It was pretty awesome and I was a much better paddler by the end of it. Plus it

I once got Mozzarella sticks with my dinner at Applebees

I went on vacation to the Galapagos Islands with my friend three years ago, and then went to Provence and Marseilles with my best friend in the same year. It was my 40th year, so I just said “fuck it,” I’m gonna enjoy myself. Neither trip was really that expensive, but two of those bad boys in one year is not my usual

Counterpoint: When times get bad, and times get rough, they should let him book some solo dates so he can do his stuff.

Jesus you guys. This is GOOD. Just let it be good.

“I am looking at the gentleman as an adult from 22 to 53, thirty-one years of professional service,” said Manchin. “I am looking at him as a father. As a person in a community, how he interacts with his community. I am trying to put the human side to it.”

You have unlocked something sacred and pure.

Counterpoint: grape is the only edible jelly.

Studies have shown and most family services orgs operate under the directives that it‘s psychologically imperative to make every effort to make a dysfunctional parent into a functioning stable presence for their children. So as long as it’s clearly not causing the existing caregiver to neglect the children,

Same.  The only reason that my sister and I turned out somewhat normal was because of my mother’s selfless acts in dealing with an alcoholic husband.

I’m admittedly guessing based upon what I’ve read, but I think he’s likely a drunk who’s not neglectful, abusive, or mean. He provides and cares for his kids. Lots of drunks are like this. It’s much harder to kick these types out of your life and your kids lives. It can be very challenging because denial is present

If this continues then eventually she *should* just stop. IIRC, he’s been sober for the majority of their relationship so she’s trying to help him get back on track. My father was an alcoholic as well and my mother an enabler.

She saw the 22 year old for what it was, a cry for help.

Watch him flip.

+1 #bebest