Doesn’t make any sense.
This guy’s a colossal dumbass, but interestingly, there are some types of emission control systems that burn fuel injected into the exhaust stream (whether it’s through injecting through the cylinder with the exhaust valve open, or a dedicated injector).
Particle filters with active regeneration, sort of work that way, of course, his description is entirely wrong, bu I can see where the idea came from.
OMG That quote about how cats work made me chuckle, but the one about pistons gave me cancer.
My friend likes the way your friend thinks.
How about controlling somebody’s vibrater from a distance? That feasible? I’m asking for a friend. I’m wondering if it’s possible to pleasure multiple people at once, or deny it to them en masse, as punishment for not paying to ... upgrade.
I mean.. not me! I was asking for a friend. My friend wants to be a god and…
It’s an important distinction. If the Borg had swarmed around the Galaxy shouting “REGULATION IS FUTILE”, the only people they’d have terrified would be the Planet Of Left-Wing Economics Lecturers!
Needs some more devil
No way this is a real quote.
Sure they could buy it with the idea that “they want it to preserve one of the first VW bugs” and then secretly have the ploy that you mention, to get it out of public hands.
Maybe put it on display. I get want to discard the pieces of the past, especially that time, but we shouldn’t forget.
Half of me thinks that it’s pretty cool that Dodge is throwing in all of the tools, but the other half just thinks that they are most likely going to be handing out Harbor Freight junk with silly decals.
A quick tip I’ve learned by wrenching on cold-ass garage floors in Montana, is using old closed-cell sleeping pads from your used-up camping gear (or Craigslist) to insulate your bum and your back from both the cold and the hard of the concrete when you’re under the car. They work like a charm, and will reduce fatigue.
Seriously I’m 48 - and I have age spots, freckles etc. It’s like a Dorian Gray hand.
Oh, his face came out of a spray can I’m sure!
So soft and white. Like a dead fish’s belly.
I think he is actually using this fake rubber hand! It’s the exact same color.
President Obama looks sexy af post-vacay and I aint even shy about it, lol.