I love playing with that thing.
I love playing with that thing.
CP in bongwater next to a meth mountain.
The “yours to discover” at the bottom just makes it better.
If they reject “DGYSTYL” I’m suing.
Fun fact: I knew the guy who had the DMV issued plate “PMS 247". He had so many women want to buy it from him.
“Over privelaged (sp)”? Whoa, jealous much?
+1 for the RCR reference
But will it let me play DOOM on the infotainment screen?
or we could just treat everyone like grown ups, let them pay for own health care, and then it wont be yours or my business whether or not an individual chooses to smoke.
Keep engineering cars to combat stupid, you’re just engineering the next level of stupid.
Designing/Engineering to the LCD just LOWERS the LCD further over time...
Keep engineering cars to combat stupid, you’re just engineering the next level of stupid.
Not true, Tesla wanted female employees that were watertight and easily recyclable, too.
Age has nothing to do with how high HP a car you can drive responsibly. I’ve seen plenty of old people speeding in their brand new Mercedes. What does have to happen is that kids should be taught from a young age not to go over the speed limit, and if they want to go fast, to take it to the track. I built a 575HP…
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