
I suppose this isn’t really the point, but if I’m deciding to take “how to look good” advice from either Kim...shit, ANY Kardashian... or Jameela Jamil, I know who I’m picking. There are many, many reasons that The Good Place is so enjoyable, and looking at Tahani is high on the list.

I saw that movie on XHamster once.

There was a lot of fellatious logic being used.

At least most of them were presented with tongue firmly planted in cheek.

Reporters did ask Millie Bobby Brown about her raise, but decided not to press the matter when they noticed her nose was bleeding.

I thought that was Applebee’s.

The difference is that, in real combat situations, usually you’re not screaming at the other team about how often you’ve fucked their mothers. I assume, anyway. I’m not personally sure because I’m a libtard snowflake beta who has never held a gun, and desperately hopes to never do so.

I saw them open for 10,000 Maniacs years ago. It must have been really crowded backstage.

I want so desperately to believe that this is actually a Photoshop job. I have to believe at some level that our leader is not THAT detached from basic human interaction.

That’s not a good option, I’m afraid. Do you know how expensive it is to shoot that much mass into orbit?

Cheerleader....shower....that’s right, baby! The XFL is back! Get ready for another fantastic season of hard-hitting football action by the GENIUS BILLIONAIRE VINCE MCMAHON!

He looks constipated. Maybe the laxatives aren’t helping. I think he needs a...shit, what’s the word? An object or device used to carry out a particular function. You know what I’m talking about. I can’t remember!

Given how small sperm actually are, they could easily be hidden in every picture ever. They’re only like 50 micrometers long. Nobody would see them.

Well, the most, anyway.

All that outdoor pissing, good for the constitution.

And, as it turns out, Pyre is on sale right now, so I only threw about 12 bucks at it.

You might be right about that. He’ll still be a shitty, shitty President, regardless of how long he’s in office, and the people voting for him will largely still be spiteful, short-sighted, feckless tools. Perhaps it’s time for people to focus less on who will win than who should win.

Strangely enough, Tiffany never got her letter.

I just indulged in a PS4 a few weeks back. Picked up Horizon: Zero Dawn which is probably my personal GOTY, Overwatch, FIFA, the new WWE because I’m a sucker for such things, and Hand of Fate 2 which is lovely. This article has made my next decision easy, throwing 20 bucks at Pyre seems like it’s in my near future.

No, you just need to look at the Facebook page. Or, probably, IMDB. Or just write random words down...I get the feeling they aren’t going to carefully check the answers because hiring someone to do that would double the budget of the film.