Yeah, it's hard to tell what exactly his feelings are for Brienne sometimes.
Yeah, it's hard to tell what exactly his feelings are for Brienne sometimes.
So basically Jaqen had all that planned out all along to train Arya to help her get her revenge.
Yeah, that was one of the faith militant, it looked like.
He's also heard so much murdering, he might not have noticed it. It's like hearing birds singing.
How did Clegane/the marauders not notice each other? He seemed to be chopping wood close enough to just happen to glance over and go WTF?!
I believe the theory was THAT is Arya. They pointed out the stick fighting in the streets where the Waif just disappears and it looks like Arya is fighting no one. And the bystanders don't seem to notice anything going on. It seemed far-fetched but with people putting on other people's faces, it made a little sense. I…
Been seeing the theory around the net that Waif doesn't really exist and that she is actually Arya trying to kill off her old self and become no one. Book readers, does that make any sense at all or is it just people thinking about it too much?
Interestingly enough, this could be a description of humanity in general.
Yeah. Have you read the comics? A lot of their more recent questionable actions have a payoff down the road.
Yep, that happened. It doesn't refute what I said though.
And it's a mighty coincidence that the lady she was supposed to kill was playing a lady that's at the top of Arya's list.
Seems like Arya knows what's coming and that's why she got the sword and then went to her room (?) and waited. I thought she was going to grab Needle and skip town at first.
You've definitely put more thought into this than my "Arya sticks Needle in Waif's eye."
That was where I thought this logic was going. If Rick is the bad guy, the only good guys are dead people.
Who's good then?
I don't think that's the theme at all. To me, the theme is how do you do what it takes to survive and remain "human". Maybe that is basically the same theme, I just disagree that the survivors are horrible and unlikable.
While not impossible with this show, that would seem like a huge waste of time now that we've been watching this arc for so long.
I've kind of gone along with that thinking up until recently. There seemed to be a little more to their friendship from early on, but I'm probably just reading into it.
So faceless master guy is testing Arya by having Waif try and go murder her, right? I don't think he actually wants her dead.
I know he's a smart ass which can be seen as being a jerk depending on how close you are to the target. I'm just saying he'd get it.