
When they announced this plan, I thought how are they going to get one wight out of a massive army of wights without being attacked by the whole army. Now we know they couldn't. How they didn't know is beyond me. It almost would have been worse though if they'd conveniently found that one little group and went back

The logic of this mission is definitely questionable, but we've known for a while now that Jon Snow knows nothing.

I think potentially being king, kicking ass and flying on dragons will help him get over it.

"Can you even pet dragons, bro?"

40 isn't all that super old. Right? Right, who's with me?! Please!!!!!

I always thought they'd finish off Cersei and then fight the Walkers. Is this show going to end with everyone uniting against the Walkers and letting bygones be?

I guess?

Did nuclear weapons detonate all over the country or just that one? Wouldn't the radiation from that bomb have killed every human in a radius around NYC by now?

Well, I'm saying, I think that's the reference she was making.

Isn't that their whole thing, that they're "no one"?

I thought he said "that's from the nursery school teacher."

I think he may have refused to fight for him against the Mountain in the trial by combat.

Bronn has more plot armor than I thought.

Ah. Thanks.

I believe he burned it up and smashed it with his tail.

Isn't Littlefinger on Arya's list?

Oh you…

Casino Royale has become my favorite Bond movie.


Please let Brienne and Tormund happen.