She was buying time until the other Saviors showed up as reinforcements.
She was buying time until the other Saviors showed up as reinforcements.
The difference between then (fantasy) and now is that civilization is nowhere near collapsing, obviously. Right-wingers may like the show but that's still because they can't tell fantasy from reality.
I think they yelled for her to clear the hallway of walkers at one point. That's about the only thing I could come up with.
It was him asking his supporters at the rally to raise their right hands and pledge to vote for him where I started thinking once again that he is not seriously trying to win. The image of him and those people doing that is unbelievable.
And there's a particular sort of dumb American who loves it. He's going to make America Great Again! It says it right on his hat.
"The human equivalent of a sentient White Castle that fell into a winning lottery ticket and then was handed a bullhornā¦"
Or, it was never intended to be ironic.
Yeah, I thought he'd be killed off because Gabriel hadn't had much to do in the comics for a long time now.
Yeah, Rick's changed from wanting to be a peaceful farmer at that point in the story to red-handled machete man. Also, I'm not sure it's irony.
I think they're setting up how his ideology will influence other characters in the future, based on how some things go in the source material. It's actually pretty good, if that's what they're doing.
As a fan of the comics, it's interesting to see Gabriel's transformation into a soldier simultaneously, albeit at a different times in the story.
Bit different in'it? Carol killed sick people in their group. It was also before Rick went full-on crazy-beard killer.
That's funny. I recently revisited HLHT and it's been blowing my head off. Definitely a top tier solo LP in my mind.
No, I don't. I've already seen it twice.
I can't believe they even made a sequel to Die Hard in the White House. And the funny thing is there's two of that same movie.
That's been my rationale. This recent stuff with Abraham has me wondering though. I'm guessing the baby/name etc. will go down like the books.
They've survived because Negan has protected them, for a price.
It does seem odd logically, but there is a reason she went on that trip, story-wise.
No, she doesn't.