
Trump looks like Kathy Geiss.

I really should have, shouldn't I have?

Lynch's works have never been about answers.

If he gets to meet Devo, I'll be there.

Good points. I agree, now that I think about it. Damnit, now I want to see this fictional Neil Young biopic all the kids have been clamoring for!

I read the headline as "a Neil Young biopic" and I thought, "That's weird."
Then I noticed it says, "a Neil Armstrong biopic" and I thought, "That's weirder still."

Fantastic interview!
He might be the only person I've heard say they like doing auditions. But his reasoning makes a lot of sense.

No Thanks, Belle & Sebastian!

Man, I've been trying to see that for free (without breaking any laws) for quite some time. And I keep missing it. It sounds so good.

Ooh, man. Filing this under GJ,I is such a big "fuck you" to these guys. I can't help but think that they want to see people tear them apart.

Your fambly sounds fun!

Catherine O'Hara shoots up from her airplane seat, realizing she left Kevin alone in New Jersey with a movie camera.

This is the only U2 album I listen to, but I absolutely love it.
Their earlier work does nothing for me, much the same way that I find R.E.M.'s early albums boring (sacrilege, I know).
But Achtung Baby transports me every time.

Pure magic.
Now, if he'd just share those Polaroids…

Another fantastic Random Roles!
I love when they can tell that Will Harris knows what he's talking about, and they start bringing up stories from films that they would never bring up otherwise.

Fantastic! Thanks, Will Harris.
He seems like a joy to speak with.


I could've sworn it said Tom Hanks, as well. But I've been drinking.

I was baited. I clicked.
I feel so used.

So, how might this book actually be haunted?
I want a haunted book, is what I'm saying.