the point is, this is 35-year-old Ivanka talking about 14-year-old Ivanka, and obviously lying. The point is, 35-year-old Ivanka lies.
So, would we say that she’s the one who likes all Nirvana’s pretty songs and she likes to sing along, and she likes to shoot her gun, but she don’t know what it means?
Since.. forever? The original brands of punks in the 70s and 80s were the most elitist and divisive subcultures that have ever existed and made no bones about calling out “posers.” haven’t hung around a lot of punks, have you? Cordoning the genre is as timeless of a tradition as mosh pits, semi-improvised political rants, and thinking Green Day is just the fucking worst for ‘selling out’.
Were either given an official position as an advisor to their dad?
I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.
I await Erik regaling us with tales of his gangsta phase because he once scored coke from a guy he thinks was Tupac.
Raise your hand if you’ve taken your 5-year old son into the ladies room with you and no one has batted an eye?
Right how much do we think Bob Saget and Candace Cameron actually hate each other?
They don’t need the money or the exposure. Should they be leaping at the chance to spend several days in close quarters with a Stepford wife religious fanatic? Team Olsen twins!
this is what happens when your co-workers remind you that despite all your conservative antics, they still see you as just a black person like the rest of us. all her appeals to the religious right, the gun lobby, and other conservative causes won’t save her from racism. BLOOP!
“No. Do you make crackers Brian?”
Nah, this is me asking myself if I should stop using Tampax but too scared of la diva cup. Do I go back to seventh grade giant maxipads? These are all my current queries.
My, how times have changed... In 1995, I got outed to my mother (who promptly lost her damn mind and acted like a total asshole), and in 2015, people are being outed by their mothers.
incorrect. Mitchum for women.
incorrect. Mitchum for women.
In my opinion, Chris Christie is the ideal candidate to be our next President of these great United States.