
Anybody claiming that “this has zero relation to President Trump” is completely moronic. He CAMPAIGNED on hatred of minorities, and urged violence against protestors at his rallies. His victory is seen as a validation of bigoted viewpoints, so now all the violent racists are swarming out of the sewers.

Better Call Saul fan here—happy to see Odenkirk and Banks nominated but they should have also included Michael McKean.

When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more championships to buy.

It doesn’t work that way. Schools can be academically rigorous and still have a rampant binge-drinking culture. They’re not mutually exclusive.

Witnessing the inevitable conclusion of 50+ years of Republican lies about minorities and the role of the federal government has been kind of nice, in a way, I suppose.

Actually, Westbrook did what Jordan was doing in his early career, except that Jordan was actually efficient at it. Mind you, Jordan got a lot more efficient when he switched to the triangle, but Jordan’s eFG rates were rather impressive for a time when most regulars rarely shot three pointers.

if you think giving a woman head involves “sticking your tongue in a hole” then you are not speaking truth, bro.

I’m confused here about the role of this James Dolan person. I remember all of the 1990s and it was clear to me then that Michael Jordan was the one who owned the Knicks.

Looks like Jimmy isn’t an Oak man after all.

You fucking dumbass, no Navy unit serves a president (aside from that president being a US citizen like any other US citizen). We’re not in Chile or the Philippines or Thailand.

This might be a good time to recall something of which many of us are ignorant in our own history. It is estimated that 10 to 30% of Africans forced to our shores as slaves were of Muslim descent: many of them spoke and wrote in Arabic; some of them Hafidhs who had memorised the entire Qu’ran and could recite it in

We fucking said no matter what you feel about Hillary, everything must be done to keep Trump from being elected because he was that bad. And what did we hear?

...I was disappointed to see Theresa May, our unelected Prime Minister refuse to condemn this policy...

Well, here’s how these conversations feel as a person of color. A white person reaches out to you sometimes - as the only POC that they know. “Hey, can you explain this one thing to me?” Like, I’m Mexican-American, so they might say, for example, “Hey, can you tell me why people think Speedy Gonzales was a negative

Clinton won Colorado, so what’s actually going on?

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.

I feel like this criticism, while maybe not entirely invalid, is going to great lengths to make perfect the enemy of the good.

holy shit you morons are fucking defensive.