
which is remarkably funny, because melania totally aped the first lady’s speech, in heels.

Jez should create a living document of all these stories. There are already hundreds and it’s been four days.

I actually briefly thought Trump might have had mere“locker room” talk because the radio news just said Trump made comments which were construed as crass. Which he does everyday. I think people NEED to know what he said because I have a good imagination and just hearing crass comments with no details I severely

The Bush-Cheney administration started a war under false pretenses. In that war, over 100,000 civilians were killed. Over 4,000 US soldiers were killed. An entire country was ruined, with the loss of priceless cultural artifacts and history. Not to mention a few trillion dollars.

I’m sorry but if you can’t tell someone hitting another person their values, because you’re too scared that your being white might get you called out, than you’ve lost your moral and intellectual credibility.