And despite your corporate overlords telling you to stick to sports, I hope Deadspin never does because
and I can’t emphasize this enough
And despite your corporate overlords telling you to stick to sports, I hope Deadspin never does because
and I can’t emphasize this enough
Damn. Where’s Reggie Jackson when you need him
It’s the very same people who say ‘why didn’t he just comply’ that are the first to say the ‘cops feared for their lives.’
So, like Taylor Swift is a sentient Pinterest board, Lana Del Rey is a sentient Ralph Lauren catalog?
I never understood these. Give me skinny jeans or give me death.
Look, it’s nice that he is there for his hometown, but if you’re going to say that something needs to change, just come out and say it already. We need gun reform. If you’re talking about changing things before it is visited on another community, there is exactly one thing that is going to be the catalyst. Actual gun…
Fuck you with your “both sides” bullshit. Democrats have proposed regulation after regulation only for the Republicans (who have been in control the entire time) have voted it down or refused to bring it to a vote at all. You are either a massive idiot or are arguing in bad faith.
Gun sales have been slowing down recently. Remington filed bankruptcy recently. Well, their sales are about to go up now. N.R.A. and manufactures don’t get apoplectic about these events. They secretly get elated as their sales will now increase with the false threat of new laws.
The second best moment of the 1992 season, after the Blue Jays taking the title:
IMO he also played it safe by running on 2nd down of their final possession. With the clock stopping for the two minute warning no matter what I feel like he should have call his safest pass play to try and get a first down.
His shot was designed by Theo Huxtable’s Gordon Gartrell shirt
Something is happening. I had a quick trip to Sundance this year and women I’ve known for years, who’ve never been able to get their films much attention, are getting standing ovations. Women I’ve known who are hardened by the system broke down yesterday. It’s nuts. I’m seeing some attention on women-centric projects…
We’ve all been there, and I think more of us than care to admit it have been on the other side too. Maybe it wasn’t necessarily a sexual scenario, but I’m sure many of us have massively misread signals from people, or perhaps even convinced ourselves the signals were something else. To me, as someone who can be really…
Honestly, it’s been kind of a mixed bag.
I’ve now taught in the south, and the upper Midwest, and in both geographic areas, I’ve run into the same thing:
Some students are exceptionally well-prepared in terms of having a general grasp of classical logic and salient argument.
Most don’t know what they’re doing, but can…
I grew up in an ultra-conservative area so I think there is a nugget of truth to this. I think a lot of it comes down to how you treat antisocial behavior. For example, not all of us who were abused wind up junkies, but a fairly high number of junkies were abused. My conservative peers often accused lefties of…
I agree completely. We have to have compassion for the other side, it’s what’s effective at changing people’s hateful views.