
People need to get past the idea that The Last Jedi was a refutation of The Force Awakens. It was a sequel to The Force Awakens, in every way.

You make a lot of good points, but I hate the growing consensus that the sequel trilogy should have been “planned out from the start.” Not only would you have not gotten The Last Jedi, you also would have gotten even more unsatisfying setup in The Force Awakens, much of which would either: not be paid off because they

Yeah, it’s much more likely that they *added* whatever darkness and pathos that movie had after Lord and Miller were fired.

The internet makes it easy for a tiny subset of people to appear as if they’re the overwhelming majority.

Terry Gilliam himself has a cameo in that sequence.

Not a cheap shot. That interview implies one reason Lana made the movie, but the movie itself (by this reviewer’s read of it) implies a different reason.

That’s what frustrating about these debates. It never reaches the “buy why blockchain and not some other, more reliable solution?” It’s like talking about how cool skateboards are compared to bicycles.

Except your metaphor doesn’t fit, because the desert isn’t empty. That’s my point

It’s a non-zero number, of course

They haven’t. Or, at least, you haven’t.

Yeah, I agree with this. How many people who build their own PCs actually upgrade them significantly over their life? It’s a non-zero number, of course, but I’d bet it’s a lot smaller than people think.

Don’t extend a metaphor if you don’t understand it. Your twisting implies that people are willfully ignoring obvious directions. What a bizarre take for a subject which has 1,000 explainer articles go up every day with people still asking, begging, for actual details on this vision which never come. You’re positing a

I wouldn’t put it past the filmamkers to have a Otto-May flirting scene, just as a reference to this. Otto’s wife (an underdeveloped character) in Spider-Man 2 was also played by a too-good-for-this actress with a real Marisa Tomai vibe, and with Thanos’s helicopter and Frog Thor making appearances in Loki, the MCU is

They don’t have to pay a bank a 99.95% commission just to hold their cash.

I love when people try to explain this, not realizing that they’re simply building up infrastructure to solve problems with blockchain use-cases that are caused by it being decentralized, and thu inefficient by design.

My trick with glasses is to have a large mask with a strong wire. Pull it up over the bridge of your nose, under your glasses, and sculpt the wire across your face under your eyes. It’s not perfect, but it works well for me.

Hey, maybe you just haven’t researched the disruptive potential of the blockchain to innovate and synergize the best of what the internet can do to truly think outside of the box,

Although there’s broad agreement that technologies such as NFTs and the blockchain are useful in certain scenarios—and likely to play a role in whatever the future of the web looks like

And who sits between John and Paul while they’re creating history and READS A NEWSPAPER?!

However, there are examples of NFTs and cryptocurrencies being used in ways that are beneficial to artists and general users.