
Star Trek’s most genius idea was soft “re-booting” the show for The Next Generation with a new cast and setting under the same premise. Not just for the reasons you’ve clearly outlined, but also to give the franchise itself a greater flexibility to be about ideas, and not just its famed original characters/plotline.

Is it really “Arpi” and not “R.P.” ??

I hate everything about this.

Scorsese definitely appreciates his position and uses it to specifically push for more inclusion of films made by non white none male artists.

The Third Age began, as briefly glimpsed in the opening of The Fellowship of the Ring.

Maybe not everyone remembers, but the wide impression of Britney Spears at the time was that she was rich and powerful and not entirely deserving of her success, so her “breakdown” didn’t read as serious distress, but as someone who for the first time wasn’t getting everything they wanted. That everyone was completely

It’s 100% Christopher Nolans’s fault. The preposterous realism of The Dark Knight was so beloved by fans and critics that DC wanted to do the same thing for Superman, so Snyder seemed like the perfect fit.

My point is that even if that fan art was a direct inspiration, which I’m telling you is not as clear-cut as it might seem, there’s no infringement here.

I understand your argument and support it,

Nintendo owns the rights to whatever mods you make using their products or IP

it is highly improbable to arrive at the same exact angle of the cacti branches by sheer chance.

Also, for crying out loud, designers work from references, it’s allowed. They didn’t “copy” this design, even if the designer actually did use this fan art as a reference.

probably akin to how hardcore MCU fanpeople felt during Endgame

All in all, it’s an unusual stance for someone potentially set to be honored by an organization to take.

Do not listen to that. It has great co-op, but I played it solo and it is still an all-time great Mario game. Playing co-op is a slower, casual experience, while playing solo is a focused, tight platforming challenge.

is it honestly worth the buy?

I think the explanation is much simpler than that. In the mid-20th century, one of the main notions of what a computer could do was human things but faster. It wasn’t until later in the century that popular culture could imagine robots and computers doing unique things that humans couldn’t do at all (and vice versa).

Why are you asking this in the same post where you included a map that holds the answer?

Not COVID-related, the season was filmed in 2019. They didn’t do any re-shoots. The actors who play minor characters are technically guest stars and are hired week-to-week, so actors are free to do other work and are not obligated by contract to prioritize Discovery’s production schedule.
