
Wha? Finn’s story picks up directly from the end of TFA. His establishing motivation is his obsession with rescuing Rey over the needs of the Resistance, a character arc that was set up in TFA and is developed, subverted, tested, and ultimately paid off in TLJ when he finally fully commits to the Resistance after

Boyega deserves a lot of credit for being brash and not standing down about this, when it would have been so easy to just complain about it privately to friends and colleagues while staying silent publicly....

This in insane. If Harry Styles or Tom Holland (or Bernie Sanders, actually) were caught wearing those shoes, everyone would be remarking how fun and cute those chonky flops were, asking each other where they could get a pair of their own, and shouting from the rooftops how innovative that person was for inventing Hyg

I agree in principle, but this wasn’t a cool secret, it was part of the PR campaign for this game.

gamers can finally experience the real Miyamoto-designed Super Mario Bros. sequel that Japanese gamers got.

from the get go it doesn’t look like Nintendo has gone to the same lengths as it has with consoles like the Switch and 3DS to lock this one down

it’s ignoring another—potentially the most—important factor in people’s limited interest [...] the price

the fact that it doesn’t move when WE as observers can see it either

My standards are even higher. The only actual companion in Doctor Who history is Donna Noble, everyone else was at best a co-star.

That quote is also very telling in that RTD doesn’t get enough credit as showrunner for giving the one perfect note that turns a good idea into an all-time classic story.

What’s so bizarre about this whole saga is how Fisher is portraying whatever it was that happened as somehow legally actionable.

You have been reading about them forever. Avatar came out 11 years ago. In that span, 21 of the current 23 Marvel Studios movies were released.

Avatar 2 won’t be out for at least two more years, by which point as many as 8 more Marvel films will have been released.

known Democrats Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton

Just pointing out that you said “I need to watch the episode first” but then totally didn’t watch the episode before letting us all know at length what you thought about it (not to mention your many long replies to others in this thread you started for some reason).

DS9 ... did not get really good until it started aping Babylon 5.

I get the feeling that you’re dug in on your feelings about this show. It’s a shame because the whole point of the series is to sell the idea that the Federation was Camalot.

No production of Star Trek has ever so much as been aware of the existence of Babylon 5, which is probably the funniest thing about the constant charge from its fans that Star Trek is its mutual rival.

There’s an official tie-in book series about those temporal agents if you’re really interested.

“All time travel technology was destroyed after the temporal wars.” Hey, that sounds like a pretty cool story, why don’t you do a show about that.

I’ll have to wait until I watch this episode to really develop my thoughts