
This feels uncomfortably like Fisher exploiting the language of abuse victims to further his own career grudges. The problem isn’t that he’s refuses to detail or even hint at the abuses he (and others, apparently) suffered under Whedon, et al, because we know that victims are often guarded about their abuse for

the action instead begins with Sokka, Aang, Katara, and Momo (also Baker)—who won’t show up for several episodes in the series—fleeing from a typically angsty Zuko

Also, you know, BBC’s Sherlock isn’t entirely not cringe-y fanfic itself, so it’s not really a good example from either side of the argument. 🤣

I think fan creators get a little too high on the idea that they are fighting the good fight for legitimacy when, let’s be honest, no one is really against them. Yeah, people do make fun of fanfic for lot of reasons that aren’t fair, but that’s not the problem that I for one have with some of it.

You’re right about all that, but why do people keep saying his “production values” are high? He looks like a Times Square muppet busking inside a Circuit City.

Blaseball (autocorrect I swear to GOD) is not something that can be explained, and I will not attempt to do so here.

Honestly, even high-earning streamers maintain that illusion of intimacy that the “You” in YouTube originally meant.

I don’t know what to tell you... 🤷‍♀️ I’m not the hugest fan of the show (I often forget character names, for example), and it more than was obvious to me.

First of all, it’s basically Enoch’s catch phrase (or catch phrasing anyway), so I knew the episode would center on a big Enoch moment, and since it’s about his friendship and service, it seemed that the only way anyone would use it as a title is for a poignant farewell story for him, if not literally used as a last

My guess is that he didn’t want to leave JL the first time, but his child’s tragic death gave WB a way to force him out without having to fire him (which wouldn’t look good for either of them), and he took it. Weadon had already been hired as a script doctor before Synder left, so these conflicts were long brewing.

HBO Max gave Zach Snyder a lifeline with this project, but it’s based on the myth of his “vision” being held back, so he has full permission to competently lean into it, hoping that it becomes such a success that he’ll be released from movie jail and he’ll never again have to compromise his Hot Topic-inspired

I agree with you but only in principle, because that is overridden, by orders of magnitude, by the need for more diversity behind the scenes.

This recap nails it. This is one of the best episodes the show has ever done, and it’s one of the best episodes of TV I’ve seen in years...

Hearing Sean Bean’s voice as Wilford in an earlier episode gave me a lot of confidence that we would never, ever actually see Mr. Wilford on the show, not even in flashbacks.

They’re for gamers who think they’re smarter than other gamers.

“Beyond the pale?” Who’s the one being hyperbolic to make a point here?

If they didn’t think TTYD2 was going to happen, they wouldn’t come out of the woodwork to whine about every new Paper Mario game when it turns out it’s not TTYD2 after all.

It’s crazy that you have been made to consider qualifying any criticism so as not to bother the game’s fanbase.

TTYD might be my favorite game of all time, but I’m shocked how little tolerance people have for all the cool mechanical ideas from other Paper Mario games. Every Paper Mario game is great and fun and interesting. They’re just not all the same.