
It’s not just the loss of shine, the entire patina has been warn away. It’s the 5th Star Wars movie released in 4 years, so while part of me wants to attribute its diminishing returns to how bad it is, I think people just don’t anticipate new Star Wars movies as much because they’re not special anymore.

the Lion King remake made $1.65 billion, but Disney considers it a live-action movie for some reason so it doesn’t count

It rings very false to me that JJ Abrams was originally insistant that “no one except Carrie Fisher” play Leia, even in flashbacks.

I don’t care if you hang your Xbox from a string out the window, but GOOD GOD DAMN TAKE THAT WARNING STICKER OFF THE FRONT PANEL!

Bernie” was almost a decade ago.

Is the problem that there’s no male actor who can equal Lily Tomlin?

It’s always the actors who get regularly cast in midbrow shlock that talk about how acting is something they’d be comfortable walking away from.

Maybe the extended cut includes plot reasons for those things, but it certainly doesn’t explain any of them.

It’s fun when they release a director’s cut of a movie that you saw but don’t remember very well and you can’t tell the difference.

Yes, Valve never built Steam Machines. They licensed their brand under a strict set of conditions to other companies and expected them to not only do the work and take the market risk, but compete with each other without any way to differentiate themselves.

You didn’t forget. They were never a thing.

It’s more that the device failed in the marketplace.

Nope, not Bluetooth. It comes with a dongle, tho.

I really didn’t buy the “Rick actually wanted a friend” reveal. Not only was it a terrible sitcom cliche, it seems like we’ve seen plenty of storylines where a character accuses Rick of deflecting his feelings only for the show to tell us that he actually isn’t, or at least he isn’t in the way you think he is. So this

That felt like a joke they’d do on Futurama, where the out of nowhere-ness of it would land better, but Rick and Morty is so fantastical and nonsensical as a matter of course that it didn’t even register with me that the hang glider was supposed to be a joke.

Yes, exactly. Which is why the show potraying holo-Rick’s position as oversensitive and judgemental was very irritating. It really seemed like it was making fun of people who are sensitive about similar, real-world issues.

The meta “back to basics” thing was very confusing to me. Didn’t they already make a big deal about doing that in a previous season?

The problem is that Rick and Morty really doesn’t know the difference between commenting on problematic behavior and engaging in it.

Really? If that’s adressing the toxic fanbase, it’s pretty weaksauce.

Good work doing PR for this guy’s spooky attraction. I’m sure the author of the petition, one “Frankie Towery, is an actual person who is very upset about how many people needprofessional psychological help” because it’s just sooo soo scary. 🙄