
Oh yeah! Good catch. I forgot about that. Well, my theory isn’t quite so bulletproof, then. :-D

Okay snowflake.

Except there are rules* about this kind of thing. At the end of the episode, 13 remembers and briefly recounts her encounter with “Doctor Ruth” (while we don’t see whether Ruth remembers 13). In previous multi-Doctor stories, the Doctor does not ever retain memories of encountering their future selves (those memories

What a weird reaction to her doing “Harley Quinn (and friends)“ instead of “Catwoman and Poison Ivy (featuring Harley Quinn)“, but I guess that’s the point of this bit of PR.

“Focusing on the Gotham City Sirens, there were only three of us and we were all well known”

Ruth has got to be a pre-Hartnell Doctor, right?

Given the breathless intro to this article, I was really expecting the interviewee to actually provide an answer a single question.

I think this trailer is the moment where I get off the train of caring about anything in the various Marvel universes. Sony is leveraging it’s ownership of Spider-man into this weird side-MCU thing and it’s never been more obvious that story decisions are being made mainly as a result of corporate and marketing choices

It’s not just the loss of shine, the entire patina has been warn away. It’s the 5th Star Wars movie released in 4 years, so while part of me wants to attribute its diminishing returns to how bad it is, I think people just don’t anticipate new Star Wars movies as much because they’re not special anymore.

the Lion King remake made $1.65 billion, but Disney considers it a live-action movie for some reason so it doesn’t count

It rings very false to me that JJ Abrams was originally insistant that “no one except Carrie Fisher” play Leia, even in flashbacks.

As soon as I heard “Ada” I was onto it. Doctor Who can’t ever resist a good “Wait, you’re that [insert name here]? Oh, you’re brilliant, or, ur, you will be!

Subjecting a person of color to imprisonment at the hands of the holocaust’s architects as a “haha, gotcha!” moment while the Doctor escapes down the Eiffel Tower is...quite a thing for the show to just brush past!

Still more interested in personal psychology, I see?

Happy to discuss your disagreements with my views, if you can express them. Not interested in discussing personal motivations.

I don’t care if you hang your Xbox from a string out the window, but GOOD GOD DAMN TAKE THAT WARNING STICKER OFF THE FRONT PANEL!

Let people dislike things without implying they have a sinister motive, please.

None of that was compromised hence he was fine with IG removing the helmet after he rebuked his initial protest.

That’s my point. When a film has credits for the “Sound Studio Accountant” the “Construction Buyer” and “Storage Facilities Provided By,” what is the criteria for a credit exactly?