
Good work doing PR for this guy’s spooky attraction. I’m sure the author of the petition, one “Frankie Towery, is an actual person who is very upset about how many people needprofessional psychological help” because it’s just sooo soo scary. 🙄

I’m sorry.... fundraiser!? What does the Federation need a fundraiser for?? And in 2360? Picard was likely serving on the Stargazer at that time.

What? You’re fucking kidding me....

For a film led by kick ass women, it’s bizarre to me that they used a male-voiced cover of one of the best and most haunting songs ever written and sung by a kick-ass woman.

I’m not a Terminator fan, but I’ve always wondered why the later sequels forgot that the reason T2 (and T1, to a point) worked is that it set up clear barriers and disadvantages for the villain to overcome, just as it did for the heroes.

Yeah, we’re actively considering it, but honestly, it’s extra work! I don’t just mean providing extra content (which isn’t a necessity if you’re upfront about it), I just mean building, managing, and promoting it.

Yes, this was my first thought as well. The PS4 devkit looks like a piece of stereo equipment owned by Buckaroo Bonsai.

I’ve been doing a podcast for three years, 150+ episodes, and we just got our first advertister. Our audience is fewer than 1,000 per episode, so I set our ad rate to be stupid cheap. So yeah, we don’t do it for the money. We’d like to be able to cover hosting costs and other incidentals, but other than our time

Knowing that this isn’t a reboot makes me far less interested in it. Caprica tried to mine the depths of BSG2004's lore and came up short. Even BSG itself got dumber the more it explored its mythology.

This is a classic prisoner’s dilemma. A developer knows that if we all discount our games, suddenly the console market spirals into the mess that the mobile market currently is, but if you are one of the few who discount you game, you can rake in the benefits while others are stuck holding back the tide.

Exactly, or in other words, it’s a free-to-play game.

Fool me once...

This article, and indeed, the Voyager DVD featurette, doesn’t fully describe the premise of the original ride. The story was that you were at Star Trek: Experience, about to get on a Trek-themed motion control ride. The staff spoke as if they were theme park employees, and it seemed a little ho-hum, especially for a

smash it to bits, throw the guest out, and drag them into the alley for a beating.

I’m no stickler for Matrix canon or anything, but this seems like one of the harder franchises to credibly revive in the form of a long-delayed sequel.

I don’t recall anyone’s guilt being assumed by this article. I think you’re confusing the disinclination to “just drop it” with an insistence that the worst must be true.

Is it your opinion that, if you played the game, you probably didn’t change a lot in the last 10 years?

I’m confused. What is your complaint, exactly? These issues are part of the story around this game, you can’t pretend they don’t exist. You even have your own considered views on them, it seems, which only come from reading about them on websites like Kotaku. You’re free to give them as much or as little weight as you

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It’s a reference to lyrics from a song by The Modern Lovers. David Bowie did an outstanding cover of this song in 2003.