
It doesn’t make any sense at all, but as you say, some people have mentioned it as a possibility.

In regards to community toxicity, we do not have prior experience managing communities of this size, nor the manpower or resources that established studious can leverage. [...] At the moment we are stretched thin with major important content additions and unfortunately we do not have the staff nor systems

That’s a relief, I was worried this was one of those Bond movies in which James Bond doesn’t make an appearance.

You don’t.

Trust me, they desperately want to say that, but it would really turn their crybaby audience against them.

Yeah, but no one was responding to him. It was almost sarcastic. He’s just some old dude in sandals yammering at aliens who aren’t paying attention to him. Maybe he’s being forced to participate? He didn’t seem to be enjoying his stay at least.

Tarantino is obsessed with his reputation and “place in film history.”

The real Maria Hill had better be on that spaceship in a future movie, otherwise they wasted a perfectly good use of the character.

Yeah, maybe the filmmakers felt they needed to make Beck mustache-twirlingly evil, but I wanted his crew to all be in on it together, as a team, unwaveringly, with him as a kind of figurehead/mastermind, not a mad king type.

Even though Beck was a bullshitter, the filmmakers’ use of “Earth-616” can’t have been an accident.

Sure, why not? If it’s a useful shorthand to explain some of the mechanics, then go ahead and use the word.

I have no problem with people calling Arkham Asylum a metroidvania. It actually really helps better describe what it is to people who would otherwise expect it to be either a linear adventure like Uncharted, or a open-world game like Arkham City.

I really don’t understand the point this writer is trying to make, like, all reductive words we use for genres or mechanics in games are basic cudgels in the exact same way.

That’s not unique to the mobile version. Kinja is one of those web apps that thinks Chrome is the only browser in the world.

The N64 used the exact same composite output port as the SNES, so presumably this should work equally with the SNES (unless it doesn’t physically fit, since it seems designed to fit the N64's port “area” like a glove).

the punny title Asgardians Of The Galaxy. (Something Chris Hemsworth himself floated as a joke when he was asked about whether Thor would pop up in the film.)

Also, did she walk up and say “I’m a registered Democrat. This is an official party action!” before spitting on him?

if a developer chooses to use a platform because it has the largest user base and best feature set, I can’t hold that against the them

That’s like saying “execute” doesn’t always mean to kill someone. It’s technically true, I guess, but obviously not what you meant.