
Valve made like $4 billion last year and Epic made $3 billion so this is hardly David and Goliath.

They are already the market leader and the majority of consumers already prefer to buy their games on Steam.

The developer/publisher sells the key to these storefronts or inside physical boxes. Steam doesn’t give keys to other storefronts.

I’m confused.

The simple reason is Steam gives the developer/publisher the ability to create steam keys and sell them outside of steam, while steam gets no part of that revenue

there has still been zero guarantee from anyone that the additional profit goes to the developer rather than publisher’s pockets. If developers have been able to make games with the 30% cut, why would publishers feel the need to increase their pay while keeping their own pay the same? How does that appeal to

Netscape had the superior web browser, by far. So, Microsoft just started giving IE away, because they didn’t need to make money off the browser, while Netscape did.

YES! Emily’s plot this season is so, so good, and Alexis Bledel is doing incredible, unbelievably moving work with the material. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Moss is being forced to play every moment to the cheap seats (cue ironic rock song!).

Phantom Hourglass, also, since it’s a direct sequel to Wind Waker, which itself develops a pretty in-depth relationship between the two.

Yeah, this is pretty much confirmation that there’s no playable Zelda. I think, rather than playing coy, he was genuinely confused as to how everyone got this idea in their head.

I believe we can have both canon and non-canon stories in the Star Wars universe, as long as they are clearly marked.

All those try-hard woots and wahoos kept coming at the strangest times, that to me it felt a little bit sarcastic. Some of the presenters seemed confused whether to react like “yeah, get hype!” or to ignore it because feeding it would be like falling for a prank. It was very awkward.

Yeah, I hadn’t considered them using the “Founders” as, well not beta testers, but just a way to better control the influx any free service is going to have. Makes sense to offer just the paid version first.

If they somehow manage to overcome the potential latency issues that come with cloud gaming

It’s weird that they focused on the “Founder’s Edition” which is more like a bundle of accessories, and didn’t press home Stadia Base as thier main product, because the PR spin from them should be that Google is giving everyone in the world a completely free, subscription-free HD console you can just buy games for.

It’s odd to complain about SI spoiling this when Deadspin’s headline, which appears on this very page, did the same thing (without even a half-hearted spoiler warning).

This is the perfect outcome. Holzhauer had the better, modern playstyle, and easily could have bested Jennings’ winnings (and perhaps, though less-easily, his game streak) if his luck had gone just a little differently. On the other hand, Jennings had (and still has, if you follow his work) captured the hearts of

I’m not one to trash fan creations. This did a pretty good job as a proof of concept, especially considering how recently the original trailer was released! I was just flummoxed by the bizarre motion of the eyes in that section.

