Heck, can you give me the definition of a monopoly?
Heck, can you give me the definition of a monopoly?
Developers can literally GENERATE THEIR OWN STEAM KEYS to sell anywhere they please.
As a developer, they buy my participation in their marketplace though fear. Their vast control over the marketplace means that I can’t reasonable make a game without putting it on Steam, and I can’t be successful on Steam unless it’s a “Steam game,” using their social features and buying into their ecosystem.
It looks like because Epic was taking the hit on this, they applied it to the whole store. But publishers, especially larger ones, often have specific agreements with retailers that they will sell thier game for the same retail price at other retailers. In exchange, they might get a better revenue share or preferred…
we’re still invested in seeing the origins of Peter Serefinowicz’s titular man-bug
This article gleefully rips on these dummies, and cites other examples of similar delusional fan outrage, and yet fails to point out that time a bunch of similar idiots tried the same thing (on an even larger, dumber scale) with The Last Jedi.
Yeah, I didn’t quote the whole thing. I thought including 80% of a comment would be contextual enough for you, but here’s the rest:
Awesome! That layout is even closer to my Designer Keyboard (plus wireless). Thanks for sharing!
Yeah! What kind of asshole would sit in judgement of everyone else like that? Check out this recent egregious example:
That’s not a logical fallacy. That’s called “an opinion.”
Oh yeah, I see how that’s a problem. The trick to that is to... spend it?
My argument is that 20,000 is a larger number than zero. That’s literally the extent of my argument.
So yes, my point is about value and in a way I am saying be more choosey with how you throw away your money.
Wait... did you think I was arguing that people should horde all the money they don’t spend on lottery tickets and be buried with it??
But what good would that $20k do for them otherwise
Oh, I was confused because buying lottery tickets is not a “leisure activity,” it’s simply a waste of money built on psychological fraud.
Why do I have to answer that?
There’s no real harm spending a few bucks a month on the lottery as long as you don’t think you’ll win.
If you read closely, you see that when I said “This is the only mechanical keyboard I have any interest in” I meant the Kira, because it uses a similar layout to the non-mechanical keyboard (pictured) that I currently use.