
Developers can literally GENERATE THEIR OWN STEAM KEYS to sell anywhere they please.

As a developer, they buy my participation in their marketplace though fear. Their vast control over the marketplace means that I can’t reasonable make a game without putting it on Steam, and I can’t be successful on Steam unless it’s a “Steam game,” using their social features and buying into their ecosystem.

It looks like because Epic was taking the hit on this, they applied it to the whole store. But publishers, especially larger ones, often have specific agreements with retailers that they will sell thier game for the same retail price at other retailers. In exchange, they might get a better revenue share or preferred

we’re still invested in seeing the origins of Peter Serefinowicz’s titular man-bug

Cool. I’ll check it out.


And now you know why New Coke was approved.

Yes. Coke sells “Mexican Coke,” made with cane sugar, in coffeshops and other hipster locales at a slight markup. For the most part, you can’t really tell the difference, although the formula is slightly different in that Mexican Coke has more calories but for reasons unrelated to which sweetener it uses. This is

You read it wrong, the next sentence was asking the VFX artists about the theory that the Sonic design was an elaborate marketing trick just like New Coke was.

Sure, you say you want it now.

people were drinking Diet Coke for the taste rather than the low calorie aspect

Yeah, I wasn’t certain which came first, I just knew they were based on the same formula and were introduced around the same time (I didn’t know there was 3 years difference, though). Thanks for the extra detail.

some of the jokes I made, some of the targets of my humor, just the unintentional consequences of not being more compassionate in what I’m putting out there

This article gleefully rips on these dummies, and cites other examples of similar delusional fan outrage, and yet fails to point out that time a bunch of similar idiots tried the same thing (on an even larger, dumber scale) with The Last Jedi.

they pulled a “New Coke” —making two versions of the character so they could release the better one later, to more fanfare.

GRRM: “C’mon! I makes no sense that I have finished a book.”

No wonder CBS is ordering a bunch of new Star Trek shows!

Will do!

Yeah, I didn’t quote the whole thing. I thought including 80% of a comment would be contextual enough for you, but here’s the rest:

Awesome! That layout is even closer to my Designer Keyboard (plus wireless). Thanks for sharing!