
How are they going to squeeze Magneto into the plot of the movie this time? Hasn’t he fallen from grace enough?

I mean, sure, adaptations often miss the point of the original, but that’s mostly because audiences really don’t want them to be any different from the thing they already love, so creators, in attempting to please those fans but facing the realities of the medium they’re working in, end up doing something that appears

I don’t even recall a scene of somebody sneaking through a facility trying not to be detected

If they’d stuck closer to the game it would have been better.

Yes, yes. I know they won’t miss one sale

Yeah, it knew it was one of those 3-letter megacorps.

You know, that place behind all the costumed Spider-Men overcharging tourists for photos.

I agree. I’ve always liked the character, but frankly, I didn’t want another white guy captain on a show which made a big deal out of its lead being a woman POC, and I absolutely *hated* Mount’s awful performance on Inhumans (even knowing that disaster wasn’t completely his fault), so I didn’t have high hopes...

Yes! The character’s first name was changed by Tig Notaro (with the producer’s permission) as a reference to Joan Jett.

This is all true, but frankly, only the most die hard Trekkies like you and me know this in full. Even a big Trek fan, who has seen “The Managerie” and knows about Pike’s beeping chair, could totally forget that the accident has a rough date set in canon. The barely noticeable graying hair is the best clue that it

Thanks for explaining that joke in such detail. It really needed it.

The meta joke of all his cameos is that the characters are unknowingly interacting with their creator.

The only way to make that work is that Lee’s character was cosplaying as those famous people and fooled *everybody* at those events/parties. Watch both those clips on YouTube again.

Yeah, I don’t think that’s it.

Everyone loves his Civil War cameo, but it didn’t work for me at all: if the Avengers compound is on your FedEx delivery route, how do you not know who Tony Stark is?

I was quoting the episode. One of the Sikh characters says “You know we’re Sikh, right?” when Justin approaches them nervously to ask them to turn off their video device.

I thought both episodes missed the landing (*rimshot*) but I liked both, and I liked The Comedian a lot more than this reviewer did. It didn’t drag for me, and I liked that every time he got on stage, it became more and more obvious that it was a totally unnatural situation.

this plane bound to Israel be occupied by bearded Muslims

I think it’s more “hey, I’m on Twitter all the time and I’ve never heard of this ‘Twitter icon’ before. Am I wrong or is this wrong?”

I think people just like “the idea” of “world-famous” Dril. His account is not super funny. He’s not the worst or anything, he’s a little bit funny, but every Dril tweet that gets posted in an article somewhere is always just something that your somewhat-clever co-worker would come up with.