The Noble Renard

The thing is, it’s not just black body paint; it’s black paint with minstrel features drawn on in white paint.

Yeah, it’s these leather-clad weirdos:

Yeah, when they hang out in front of the Gallery Place Metro looking like Mad Max rejects and screaming at people as they walk by, you just learn to tune them out.

Even though it’s clearly blackface, it’s worth noting that this is from a five-year-old video (2013), before the “OK sign” got first jokingly referred to as a white power symbol and then actually became one. So I don’t think that story re: a cropped version is true, or at least, if he was making an OK gesture it was

This is their defense:

Sandmann explained: His classmates, are not “racist people,” they—like he—come from a school that does not “tolerate racism.”

Fuck everything. This kid will literally get fucking FAME out of being a complete shit. Sometimes I just want to give up. Christ.

Yeah, but scalping outside a concert with a handful of tickets is different than running an entire website which allows people to scoop up huge blocks of seats in one go and then immediately jack up the price 500%. 

Hey, immigration lawyer here. We fucking hated when Obama expanded family detention, locked up children, and denied asylum seekers. We advocated, sued, and protested too. I loved Obama and I hated a lot of what he did on immigration; he built the bones of a system of brutality against families that Trump just dialed

By the way, the document itself is fucking amazing in its audacity. Check it out yourself. It’s a list of 16 different “strategies” to respond to a “surge of illegal immigration.”

Or we go back to the “bad old days” when scalping was illegal. Or just regulate the industry and cap the maximum price increase for secondary purchases. 

He’s made it clear a million times that he thinks Puerto Rico isn’t “really” part of America and shouldn’t get a penny of federal money. So it’s depressing to get even more explicit confirmation of the fact, but hardly surprising. What a shitbird.

Several months ago, every single person was put in the greys on Splinter. Getting back out has been a random struggle for all.

I have to confess.... I emailed Anna Merlan and just asked. She was very gracious about it.

As this trend continues, all white liquids will be deemed “milks.” Up next? Glue =Sticky milk.” 

If I’m an ordinary American, why do I care that some people don’t strictly abide by the terms of their visas?

Are visa overstays an actual meaningful problem in need of an enforcement-based solution?

I mean, on how to deal with visa overstays “I don’t know” is a pretty decent answer. The US government’s only response has been to propose a biometric entry/exit system, where not only do foreign visitors have to record their fingerprints when they enter, but they have to record their fingerprints when they leave as

“The stress on the immigration court system will only increase as backlogs continue to skyrocket due to the shutdown,” Reichlin-Melnick told the network.