The Noble Renard

The TopChef subreddit had also been talking about the accusations for weeks leading up to the finale, and it’s definitely not just the one woman, he had also been apparently telling multiple other women he was separated from his wife and being super creepy with them while she was pregnant with his baby! 

The TopChef subreddit had also been talking about the accusations for weeks leading up to the finale, and it’s definitely not just the one woman, he had also been apparently telling multiple other women he was separated from his wife and being super creepy with them while she was pregnant with his baby! 

I’m commenting for the first time in months just to tell you to shut the fuck up.

On the affordability front, it’s going to be $10 for the first week it’s available, through May 1st, then jump up to $20. So they’re definitely pushing people to buy it now, which worked for me!

Me too! I juuuust upgraded my CPU, and I decided to hold off on buying a new GPU for now until new cards are unveiled in the spring. And now that decision looks totally justified, since I mainly wanted the upgrade to play Cyperbunk!

Are comments being blocked here as well as Gizmodo? Because fuck Jim Spanfeller and fuck all the corporate toadies that are running good things into the ground out of an obsessive need to prove their dicks are bigger than everyone else.

Let’s face the facts; deportation in most cases is bullshit, and it’s especially bullshit when the person has a green card already. The punishment for fraud shouldn’t be banishment. Who gives a shit that this guy wasn’t yet a citizen either? He’s an American, regardless of whether or not there’s a piece of paper

That is disgusting, but, you know what, at least he tried.

You could 100% beat the shit out of Stephen Miller and he’d just use it as justification later down the line for why he was a shitbag, in an effort to make people like him.

Fuck, now I want a proper New York bagel, water-boiled, exactly like that. You bastard.

I love the Voodoo Lady reference in that last image, even calling him Voodoo Guy! That’s the kind of thing that may get me to buy the first new adventure game I’ve bought in years.

As an immigration person, I’ve even been told I’m downplaying something awful at the border when I point out that, no, a private prison company is NOT being paid $770/day to lock kids in cages (CBP is the one running the cages, not private prisons, and the costs is definitely way lower, that cost was specific to the

Oh don’t worry! I think we both twigged onto the same theme.

Ugh. I was a fat boy, so I got my fair share of bullying too, AND I had skin issues, and yes, it just fucks you up so badly. And then sometimes I’d join in making fun of the one kid in class everyone made fun of because there’s always someone lower on the totem pole and I still feel just awful for the times I did

The men who consider themselves “alpha males” scanning the room, ogling women and rating them on a one-10 scale, complete with crass commentary, crude laughter, and boundless entitlement.

What part of “I have personally been there and talked to people” did you not understand?

The toilets she was referring to were likely a dual fountain/toilet combination, but as Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, a policy analyst for the American Immigration council points out, the conditions of these toilets are the issue. Sharing photos of a CBP toilet from 2015, Aaron Reichlin-Melnick wrote, “There was no trash

100% agree on Cucinelli being a racist piece of shit who’s going to destroy what little respectability his agency had left. That said, some minor corrections to his paragraph.

Yeah Greenwald is definitely not a lefty, or if he is, he’s of the “We must preserve the welfare state by rejecting the great unwashed brown masses” kind of lefty, of which there are sadly quite a lot. I hadn’t seen that last paragraph before but it’s complete shit. Study after study after study show that immigrants

Tyler Q. Houlton’s a snake. He’s done nothing but work in Republican press shops his entire career, first for Tom Tancredo and then later for the GOP, then moved to DHS where he kept up his partisan attacks on Dems despite working for us, the taxpayers. Fuck him and fuck every one of the agency spokespeople willing to