The Noble Renard

I don’t think I was dehumanizing young voters, not at all. Unless you mean my first comment, which I’ll point out was about Republican politicians, not voters.

I completely agree. The entire reason that people vote on Tuesdays was due to issues surrounding access for rural voters over a century ago. Enough is enough; either change it to a weekend or make it a federal holiday.

Too much state resistance to federal oversight?

I don’t think those voters are refusing to care; I think they feel left out and ignored for decades. NALEO, the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, has been polling Latino voters heavily and found that less than half of Latino voters reported having been contacted by any candidate (which

I get it now. I vote all the time. Every special election, school bond issue, every local race. I love voting, voting is my favorite. I was wrong to not pay attention before. I didn’t think it was indifference because I felt strongly about many issues. But I *was* indifferent.

I don’t think that’s necessarily apathy, though. Apathy is laziness and a feeling that elections are unimportant. And I think that what young voters lack more than old voters is perspective.

Oh yeah, I completely agree with everything you wrote there. Except that I think in the past decade we’ve seen that Democrats and Republicans really have diverged on this point. Automatic registration, restoring voting rights for felons, and things along those lines are increasingly Democratic priorities, at a time

I mean yeah, we all know that it’s only judicial activism when you’re overturning laws passed by Congress in order to get liberal results. When you’re overturning laws passed by Congress in order to get conservative results, that’s just basic common sense and we all know that’s what the judiciary is supposed to do.

Demonize Republican politicians, because they are demons.

Scott Lloyd is a monster who literally declared that he alone had the right to decide if a raped teenager could get an abortion (spoiler alert; no!). He thinks he is carrying out God’s plan for the children in his care. That anyone put him in charge of children is a disgrace.

That position in the second picture looks super uncomfortable. Hope she only had to hold herself there for a brief moment.

That Yale study has been attacked by literally every other reputable organization as completely flawed, in methodology and in outcome. It was not checked against any reputable sources of data and comes from two management science professors who, while clearly qualified to work with large datasets, have literally no

I disagree, actually. Objective reality is nice and all but delusions are real and lying requires knowledge that what you’re saying is wrong.

Exactly. I get the argument that someone who sincerely believes in something that is wrong is not lying. But when it’s flying in the face of all reality, and the person has been told repeatedly that what they’re saying isn’t true, and they refuse to believe reality, they’re fucking delusional.

It’s so fucking maddening to hear the Border Patrol lie about being “overwhelmed” or declare that they can’t handle the influx. Illegal border crossings are at historically low levels. We used to arrest over 1.5 million people a year! We haven’t hit 500,000 in a decade, and we’ve had multiple years under 400,000 in

Isn’t that the norm now? “Our major bankable star was accused of sexual assault/harassment. We asked him and his closest friends whether he is a rapist. He says he’s not, and so do his friends. Therefore we’re declaring that the claim was unfounded and reinstating him.”

But... but that would be cheating.

Only eight months ago!!

There was a reddit comment earlier in the week saying “Don’t forget, Black Panther came out this year.”

You laugh but honestly that definition of “meme” is 100% correct, and is in fact basically just the dictionary definition of “meme.” Don’t forget that Richard Dawkins coined the term “meme” in social science years before it became an internet phrase. That’s why’s first definition of “meme” is: