The Noble Renard

Great interview! I read the Twitter thread and it was exactly the kind of “Wow, I never knew that” moments that I adore. Glad you reached out to the professor and did an interview instead of just reposting the thread, as some more click-baity sites did. I appreciate it.

The salesperson told me that CBD shouldn’t affect any drug screenings

Well people generally need some citation for that. Honduran GDP per capita has actually more than doubled since 1960, which is generally a sign that overall economic conditions have gotten better. I’ve spoken to a lot of Honduran asylum-seekers and not one has ever cited overpopulation to me as a problem.

Maryland license plate?

That’s not a fair comparison. A court order or signed agreement not to leave a country isn’t the same thing as a country stopping people from freely choosing to leave.

In honor of my Canadian brethren and sistren, tonight I’m going to watch television and eat junk while mildly stoned, as my partner will be off at a work event over the dinner hour and she literally cannot trust me not to revert to my old habits when given even an hour or so of being home alone.

They have no army and receive little or no military aid or advisement from the United States.

It would be more depressing if you had watched Fox and Friends ;)

Also, it’s just such enduring proof that America literally cannot stop meddling in Central America and then trying to claim that we have nothing to do with it when its refugees end up fleeing to our borders. We actively supported the Salvadoran government as they slaughtered tens of thousands of their own citizens

No joke; it was on Fox and Friends roughly two hours before the first tweet.

You don’t even need to go back that far! Hillary Clinton as secretary of state under Obama supported (or at the very least refused to oppose) the Honduran coup in 2009. And under Trump just last year, the U.S. completely ignored the clearly stolen election and the increasingly authoritarian crackdown on dissidents

I wish that was true, but never forget that Stephen Miller was raised in a liberal Jewish home by loving parents and went to diverse schools in liberal California.

I mean, Avenatti knew that going in. That idea that Trump’s tweet could meet the legal standard for defamation was laughable; as was the idea that Stormy Daniels had suffered legally cognizable damages from it. It was always a political stunt.

How did Jezebel’s resident goth Anna Merlan handle being passed over for this assignment?

Of course not. Frivolous lawsuits are completely and utterly common. Still depressing when used in a way that makes people feel unsafe coming forward, even anonymously.

Customs and Border Protection did not offer clarification on how they define “family units” for Amnesty International’s report, but called the report “not even remotely credible and should not be treated as such,” in a statement to the Intercept.

What’s illegal about the donation?

Oof, I remember reading that when it came out and being so infuriated. Thanks for reminding me about it. What a complete piece of shit. I hope suing Moira Donegan is the final nail in his creep coffin.

Honestly, fuck this guy. His entire excuse in his Quillette article was that obviously it would be false to accuse him of rape because he’s a BDSM submissive who never engages in acts of penetration. Which, uhhhhhh, okay.

I mean, I’d watch a video of Kanye and Kushner fighting any day.