The Noble Renard

Honestly, the whole thing is such a bizarre train wreck, it’s worth watching for yourself.

Came here to make that reference. When that joke aired I didn’t know that these Vogue things were real!

For every major piece of art produced by a sexual harasser, there are dozens of pieces of arts that could have been produced by their victims, but was not because they were prevented from doing so.

Someone got paid to design that. Dear lord.

The problem seems to be the way the law is written. Since he was already here past his Visa’s terms, I guess that disqualifies you from becoming a citizen?

I believe you are correct that an expired visa will prohibit citizenship. The best he can hope for is permanent resident status, which is what he was seeking to attain.

He said he wants to put up the WALL so it would discourage people from coming here illegally and, instead, would come in through the legal process. Because there are so many legal ways to come into the US for poorly educated Central Americans without specialized skills (/s).

Christ, what an asshole.

Actually, I think the GOP was incensed at a man facing criminal charges off of he-said-she-said

Honestly, I suspect quite a few of those people were planning on voting but had literally zero interest in being on TV and participating in his stupid stunt. I know if I was just sitting waiting for a bus with a bunch of other people and that dude came up to everyone and started trying to run an impromptu focus group

I didn’t get a harrumph out of you!

I have no doubt that the GOP base was energized by the specter of a man facing consequences. But it’s also only October 9, and the election is a month away. I think incandescent rage has a longer staying force than righteous harrumphing.

Do you believe she was emotionally abused

That rumor has already been debunked.


Impeachment only requires a majority of the House. Conviction requires 67 senators.

He lied and he knew it!” is not grounds for perjury,

Nope. We’re not retaking the Senate this election anyway.

Nope. Fuck Joe Manchin.

Sure, there will be hardcores that will attempt to keep it alive, but if you think that any protest will last very long against him, you are incorrect. And you very well know that is true.