Nope. We’re not retaking the Senate this election anyway. Fuck him. I don’t give a shit and today’s not the day to give a shit about broader picture.
Nope. We’re not retaking the Senate this election anyway. Fuck him. I don’t give a shit and today’s not the day to give a shit about broader picture.
Fuck Joe Manchin. So much so that I think Democrats in WV should kick his ass out of office. Let the fucking Republican win, how much worse can he really be?
So, that was a bit of an exaggeration; full-on rape usually had (and still has) a statute of limitations closer to 10 years. But sexual assault would be treated like any other misdemeanor or felony and have a very short statute of limitations. Only 7 states right now have no statute of limitations on rape, and most…
Because the statute of limitations for rape, until very recently, was usually 3-5 years, or lower.
I just don’t immediately assume that of any particular woman and (based on her body of work and the glibness of her approach to it) certainly not this woman. And I find the author’s suggestion that exploitative porn is somehow less exploitative if “a woman” is producing it dangerously simplistic. I’ve run across…
In my defense, at the time I made the comment there were only a small handful of other comments, none of which were commenting on this particular site and this woman in particular.
I hate to resort to this again, but I have been extremely clear, multiple times, that I was responding only to the original commenter’s response that “Female pornographers are no better, no worse, and no more/less artistic/thought provoking than *insert gender/non-gender descriptor here* pornographers.” I have…
Your assumption is right, and I think there probably is something of a gender thing about it, and I completely agree that the old canard you mention is sexist bullshit. But I do stand behind the general idea that in a relationship it’s a good idea to spend time wooing your partner even when you’ve already been…
I can definitely agree with you on the ranking of impact, though there’s at least a couple episodes where it switches up a bit. But as a generally matter, yeah, definitely correct.
I actually kinda disagree? I think showing an effort for your partners is definitely part of a good relationship. Yes, of course my partner still would love me if I wear ratty old things, but I also want to look good for her, and to make an effort for her, and to show her that I’m thinking of her in my own decisions.
Absolutely. That’s why I said “more likely” and not “always.”
Look, the thing I like about Tan is that he actually chooses clothes that feel like something the person would actually wear, as opposed to the old Queer Eye where I recall thinking that Carson would pick clothes that he felt were fashionable without any regard to the person’s actual preferences.
There’s a BBQ place near me that does a fried brussel’s sprout side, and they’re smoky and blackened and just so incredibly good. Basically the best vegetable.
While I think they’re completely adorable, I wouldn’t really want to own one. A relative owned a parakeet and it was completely adorable but also a pain in the ass in terms of noise.
I just love how their colors got mixed!!
Further confirmed, Antoni is the worst of the new Fab Five.
I have wholly adopted the “birbs,” “puppers,” and “kitties” language of the cute animal internet. I have embraced the shame.
All I’m saying is that birbs deserve the right to get drunk.
Again, why make a sweeping statement when this article is a perfect example against your claim
A) I wasn’t talking about her or this genre specifically, just responding to the comment that there’s no difference between male and female pornographers.